DC 911: Time of Crisis
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0353042/Remember that TV movie a couple of years back? It caused some buzz at the time because it was reworking the events of 9-11 to make Bush seem heroic. I watched about 20 minutes of it and it was so deeply slanted in it's fawning praise of Bush that it just seemed laughable. Even my Bush fan brother-in-law laughed at it.
Anyway, I believe it was Scarborough who showed some clips of this "Path to 9-11" movie the other night, and the style seemed identical. Right-wing propaganda has a certain flavor to it- it's beats you over the head. The dialogue is overblown and exaggerated, and they revisit the same handful of themes repeatedly, as though the audience is assumed to have the IQ of a mollusk. It has a quality similar to Fox News, like the way they use phrases like "far left anti-war critic" or "homicide bomber" casually and seem to assume you're just way too stupid to catch on.