It was filmed almost entirely in Toronto (the obvious exceptions being the middle east stuff - though David Cronenberg created Morocco in Toronto for "Naked Lunch" thanks to Gulf War I - and the location shots of Washington and New York), which doesn't exactly place it on the "most patriotically American productions of all time" list.
It also has a high population of actors not known for their right-wing sympathies. Shirley Douglas, who plays Madeline Albright, is an activist and the daughter of revered Canadian leftie Tommy Douglas. Michael Murphy often works with Robert Altman and played a thinly-disguised, totally unsympathetic Poppy Bush in "Silver City." Amy Madigan famously sat on her hands as others applauded Elia Kazan at the Oscars a few years ago.
This shows how cravenly this whole thing was put together, if you ask me: ideologically-driven filmmakers happy to conceal their true agenda from the actors (which I'm sure they'd have had to do to keep things running amicably) and to film their nonsense in a whole other country (which is a big deal politically, given the flap about "runaway productions," which shoot in Canada or elsewhere to save costs).
I look forward to ignoring the movie on Sunday and Monday.