Bush exploited 9/11 to get us into the war in Iraq, and now that people are angry about the war and are complaining it, Bush is again exploiting 9/11 to get people to shut up and stop complaining. He continues to exploit our pain for his gain. But no longer. We are standing up and putting a decisive end to Bush's lies. We cannot depend on the TV to do it, and conversations in dusty corners of the Internet are not going to do it either. We have to put ourselves right out in front of the public where we cannot be ignored, and we have to make it clear that Bush can no longer exploit 9/11 without a response from us.
That's why on Monday, September 11, I am going to stand on a busy street corner here in Chicago from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. with this sign:

And everyone else needs to make their own sign that says simply, "Iraq Didn't Do 9/11," and on September 11, stand on a busy street corner near where you live at a time when many people will be walking or driving past.
Right now the street corners of America are silent, but Bush's propaganda on TV rages on. It's time to change that dynamic. Right now, people can drive down the street and think that everything is OK. But we need to change that and make it so that when people drive down the street they look around and realize that things are far from OK in this country.
Make a sign. Stand on a corner. Hold your sign up.
*If you can get someone to take a picture of you with your sign, you can send it to iraqdidntdo911@yahoo.com, and I will post it later.*
And if you don't agree with the particular message that my sign says, that's fine. Be that way. But for God's sake, make a sign that says something you do agree with and get out from in front of your computer. No one sees you here. You are ineffective and irrelevant here. Go out into the real world and be effective and relevant. People can ignore you here very easily. Go out into the real world where people cannot ignore you. Everything is at stake. Stop waiting for someone else to do it.
Oh, and repost this bulletin widely so that every street corner in America rings through with our challenge to Bush's lies.