Edited on Fri Sep-08-06 08:44 PM by Prisoner_Number_Six
ABC News wins coveted government Ministry Of Truth contract 9/08/2006
The Bush government's Ministry Of Truth, whose motto proudly proclaims the credo "Who controls the past, controls the future", has been searching for a home since the year 2000, when the newly minted George W. Bush administration began its government restructuring program in earnest. Said Mr. Bush when he was queried about the contest at the time, "This would be a lot easier if it were a dictatorship- just as long as I'm the dictator." Well said, Mister President, and kudos from the American people!
Fox News, headed by Australian Rupert Murdoch, had been the favorite candidate, front running the competition for almost six full years with an enviable collection of carefully rewritten history and blatant event fabrication within their telecasts. Fox also developed a strong stable of right-leaning punditry to round out their twenty four hour a day propaganda fest. However, recent polls reveal Fox News as dramatically losing its core followers. Said one anonymous viewer, "Ever since they stopped playing those bitchin' music videos, they got real boring."
In a surprising move, Disney/ABC recently lept into the fray in a big, bold way- they created a dramatic miniseries based on half-truths and totally fictitious events. The subject of this landmark drama was none other than the terror terror terror attack on the New York City World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001 (otherwise memorialized by simply calling the tragic event "9-11" at every on-air opportunity.)
Although the creators of the so-called "docu-drama" insists the teleplay is indeed historically accurate and if you don't believe it you can go fuck yourself, a minor amount of evidence to the contrary keeps rearing its ugly head, mostly on several rebel internet tube web sites that, thanks to the Ministry Of Love, will soon be shut down and its adherents declared unpersons. Said unpersons are reportedly to be rendered to several Miniluv "Room 101" prisons for adjustment.
Disney/ABC spokesclones are reported to have said they will soon air their showcase passion play, no matter what those irresponsible traitorous democrats try to do. "Bring 'em on, freedom-lovers," a top level Disney P.R. officer snarled. "It'll be the last thing you do."
Our sincere congratulations to one and all at ABC News for their contributions to our nation's now-certain future! Doubleplus good, folks! Glad to know the Ministry Of Truth is in such capable hands!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: