It's 2012. Democrats are the Administration and control Congress. Working together they have accomplished an enormous amount work toward getting America back on its feet. Each state individually and the country collectively is working toward energy self-sufficiency, but using sustainable, renewable, green means.
Stem cell research begun in the latter half of the century's first decade has brought about dramatic improvements in the quality of life for countless people who had suffered from serious diseases. As a result people are more vigorous in their later years and able to work at numerous jobs for employers all over the world. Outsourcing, a phenomenon that originally terrified workers whose jobs were displaced in the late 1990's and early 2000's has now stopped, as the countries that previously had provided cheap labor, are now busy sourcing the needs of their own economies.
Meanwhile, in a formerly undisclosed location that has been opened to the public, former members of BushCo are busily attempting to rewrite the events of their political careers in the hope that one of them will be a Survivor. At this point, the task is overwhelming. Each has much to sort through in the hope that he or she will find redemption.