it really is fun I found him on a forum that has nothing to do with politics but I could not resist telling him the facts. enjoy.
Sphincter says: just like a liberal, always asking for the hand-out.
when I said "we" I was talking about most of the guys on this thread. We welcome you and your views....(no matter how wrong or right they are)
I'm a proud subscriber to Rush 24/7, matter of fact, I need to renew that in a couple days...thanks for reminding me.
What exactly do you mean by "think for yourself?" I don't think that there is a political idea out there that hasn't been thought of Bill...we either agree with one side or the other, or a little of both in most cases.
How the country has gone in the last 5 years? uhm...lowest unemployment, a nice tax cut that helped out my family a little bit, people making tons of money on their houses, kicking the crap out of terrorists around the globe, not a single terrorist attack here since 9/11, morality in the oval office instead of sexual favors, A president that's NOT a convicted liar in a court of law, outlawing sticking scissors in the back of babies heads while their feet and body are out of the womb, but their head isn't, I could go on if you like.......are we living in two seperate countries or what...under the circumstances of a major terrorist attack and an economic recession starting when he took over, I think the President has done a pretty good job. Do I agree with everything? NO....but most yes.
You are the only one spouting talking points Bill. If you don't agree, that's fine. The censoring Nazi thing you don't understand, it's kind of an inside joke with some of the guys on here. If you want to call yourself "progressive", that's great. Yes I do think most of America sides with me and they have proved that since 94...you guys started loosing elections like crazy. Your ideas are not progressive they are silly. The proof is in the pudding bro.
George Bush has never paid attention to polls (unlike Clinton) so who cares what his approval numbers are? When you are a leader, sometimes the mass doesn't agree or whatever...who cares? __________________