i remember some time back , DUers came up with freeper threads from the 90s where they were accusing Clinton of making up terrorist threats in order to take attention away from his penis.
i did a google search in groups and other sections to see if any sites had the links to these freeper threads. i clicked on one but it says "article has been deleted".
here is the newsgroup link with the freerepublic link which leads to "article has been deleted" now.
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater/browse_frm/thread/409d10cca5caa573/35e31430130dfc7a?lnk=st&q=freerepublic+1998+clinton+wag+the+dog+afghanistan&rnum=2&hl=en#35e31430130dfc7aand another one :
http://groups.google.com/group/alt.society.liberalism/browse_frm/thread/27e03c849e0fedb1/c55542f9a0e18d80?lnk=st&q=freerepublic+1998+clinton+wag+the+dog+afghanistan&rnum=4&hl=en#c55542f9a0e18d80and i know at least one thread was discussed on DU so it should be on DU somewhere but i'm not getting it with the keywords i use. if anyone can find the DU thread please post it.