they saw it "on TV". It's almost as though we need a public education campaign to spread the notion "Don't believe everything you see on TV..." (a take-off of "don't believe everything you read"). It's just sad to think we'd actually need to emphasize such a thing, but then again, it's just as disturbing to think of how sincerely and consistently our "media" lies to us (I especially mean things like having our 'most trusted' ;-) (wink) network news anchors (and such) speak falsehoods to us with a straight face).
So, once upon a time, the bottom 30% of the population could listen to the leading network media programs and not be so badly misled if they simply accepted everything. I guess that's "once upon a time, long, long ago, in some other country...". When will we demand the truth? What has happened to the people? It's been shown beyond any possible doubt that our very own President has repeatedly lied to us--and nobody cared. Sure, some people have complained, but nothing has been done, there has been no "uproar". Don't enough of us care, or is it that we are just helpless? What is this apathy, this inability to become outraged? One wonders if there isn't some kind of drug in our food, water or air (aha! those mysterious "con-trails"... :tinfoilhat: ). I think that it's related to the media itself, again. We need the media in order to organize, build and unite or direct the sense of outrage, and without this public communications allowing us all to simultaneously react, it's left to the individual--which feels relatively powerless, so nothing happens. And there's a time factor too, if the public doesn't come together after such an insult within a certain period of time, the outrage is suppressed--and after that happens enough times, such insults no longer stimulate people enough (we get used to it; business as usual).
We have to get our mass media back. It is the most important single issue facing us as a people.