Edited on Sat Sep-09-06 09:50 AM by Jackpine Radical
We have 2 months. That's enough time for a shark attack story, another bogus child-killer story & 1 or 2 girl-in-vegetative-state stories. 9-11 isn't gonna be on the front burner anymore by Nov 7, but we can make sure the Big Lie story is still there.
If we're smart, we will "pull a Rove" and turn the PT911 story into a story about the falsification. Just like Rove did with the AWOL story. The secret is to just keep hammering. Meet every Puggy distortion with the accusation that they're trying to do another PT911.
The media have to show a Democrat talking every once in a while, after all. We have to make sure that the Dems keep hammering on the story about the MainSCREAM Lie Machine. The objective is to turn PT911 into a synonym for Right-Wing Propaganda.
The timing couldn't be better for us, really--if we play it right. Just as the Puggies are starting to ramp up the propaganda machine, the first big lie out of the box gets exposed as a total piece of crap. This is a teachable moment. The public is more ready than ever to let go of their idealized portrait of the Bushies and let the scales fall from their eyes. Let every subsequent Swiftboat attack be met with the "Just Another Pathetic PT911" meme.