I'm sick of it all. When/where is the nearest revolution? I hope I can walk there.. I ain't got no car.And I am too damn tired to start one myself all alone. People just don't get it do they? How bad does things have to get? Are we going to let ourselves become desperate and ripped off enough by the so called wealthy "elites" and thier economic scams badly enough ..Until we find the words of a fascist promising economic relief inspiring us to make that our 'great'leader?.. It has happened before..when people let the powerful exploiting them economically go too far.
Personality and power, although powerful tools, were not the only reasons the Germanic people followed Hitler. The German people were desperate for relief of the Depression, and Hitler provided the answer that spelled ‘relief’-- economic relief. The German people, bitter over the WWI reparations and responsibility of the ‘guilt clause’ (Chambers 896) were economically empowered by Hitler’s claim that Germany was no longer bound by the Versailles Treaty. Unemployment, which had risen to nearly 6 million people (The History Place:The Rise of Hitler) was effectively resolved by the institution of Hitler’s Public Works program. Millions of Germans found employment in constructing highway systems (the Autobahnen), government offices and public housing, as well as in the rearmament factories and military service (Chambers 940).