I posted a well intentioned thread last night (link below) to appeal to those who think that if they changed their channel, they'd make an impact somehow on the ratings and hurt the given network.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=364&topic_id=2088479&mesg_id=2088479It was an attempt to inform that though it may sound good to say "don't watch this channel!", that unless you are a nielsen household it won't have any negative impact on what matters to the networks: Ratings.
I can only assume that when people so wholeheartedly announce "Don't watch the channel!" or "block abc from your cable box!" or "I'm not watching this channel anymore!" that what they are striving for is a loss of ratings to the channel proposed that ultimately will hurt them through advertising rates. If this is a wrong assumption, my apologies. But it would seem logical that this outcome would be the intent of such declarations.
Under the assumption that this was the intention of such declarations, I felt the need to inform those who didn't realize otherwise that unless they or the audience they are calling upon are Nielsen Households, their changing the channel will simply go unnoticed: Especially where it counts, which is in the ratings used to determine the rates they can charge advertisers for 30 second spots.
It was a very simple and I believe factual point intended to inform. We are at our best when we speak accurately and have proper knowledge of facts.
Though the thread was an innocent one, it quickly was decimated by some and had its intentions and context completely twisted from their purpose and had accusation after accusation thrown out. The thread was not in any way putting down our call to arms with this ABC incident. I've made dozens of phone calls and sent dozens of emails myself. I'm prouder than hell out of what we've accomplished and agree completely that we need to keep the pressure on ABC and Disney. Though some wanted to twist my thread to say otherwise, the thread was only acknowledging the concept of being noticed by changing a channel.
So let me try again. Whether ABC now, Tweety next week, Survivor next month, if you are not a Nielsen household then changing the channel will go basically unnoticed by the networks and their ratings which in turn are used to come up with their Advertising rates. Some claim that DVR's count towards these ratings, but they don't overall. They only count if you are a Nielsen DVR Household. Some say Tivo shares information. Maybe they do, but it doesn't mean squat in the real weekly published ratings so that wouldn't be noticed either. Furthermore, Tivo's main stats are being used by advertisers to strategize how to better capture the viewers attention with their commercials and to learn how many users fast forward through them. The tivo numbers are not IN ANY WAY used to determine market share, ratings or advertising rates.
So the fact stands: If you want to impact the ratings of a network which would in turn hurt them through advertising dollars, than you either need to be a Nielsen household or you need to reach out to Nielsen households. Just saying you will change the channel won't cut it. Some have mentioned "who cares? you still aren't exposed to their garbage if you change the channel!", but that isn't really part of my intent. I say more power to those who simply don't want to watch out of personal protest. My only point is that for those who are calling for it based on hurting the networks ratings, that it won't happen unless you are a Nielsen household.
It was a simple point. It is what I believe to be a factual point. I am completely perplexed why it turned into such a flamefest. Some seemed to think I was pissing on our efforts across the board, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Like I said, I'm proud of what we are doing and am doing these things myself as well. I just think it's silly when someone seems to indicate that if they were to change the channel, that would be one less person included in the ratings. It just simply doesn't work that way, so I think it was the responsible thing to do to attempt to inform how the ratings really get impacted.
Sorry so long winded, but that thread got so twisted I felt the need to clarify. My original intent in that thread, and this one for that matter, is an innocent one and simple one. It is just to inform that to affect the real ratings and advertising rates, you have to be a Nielsen Household. If some disagree I'd ask you to prove me wrong with substance and fact, rather than just rhetoric.
Peace to all,
(Gotta run out for a little bit. Hopefully this message was more clarified this time)