"One other question, Chris: Which of our right/privacies will we lose over this one? Your naive as hell if you don't think the Bush Axis will target them in the wake of this tragedy. Hmmmm, sounds familiar, doesn't it?"
http://www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/duboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4277&forum=DCForumID35&archive=yesTom_Paine elaborates here:
"Which civil rights/liberties will the Bush Axis target in the wake of the tragedy?
I firmly believe, whether the Bush Axis is involved with the bombings (10% chance) or knew it was coming and let it happen (40% chance), they will target rights and liberties. They will probably get their way because the Democrats were scarcely standing up to them before without the impetus of this terrible tragedy.
Which ones do you think will go? My prediction is that they will use this to crack down on the internet. They will also further reduce "probable cause" for warrants and the like making corruption and harassment/intimidation/selective prosecution/preventative incarceration easier to perform, get away with, and not be challened by the victims.
That's my guess for the specifics, but of one thing I HAVE NO DOUBT. That the Bush Axis will use this terrible tragedy for their own ends. Have they ever NOT used tragedy for their own ends, from Watergate (ultimate corruption--Ken Starr, Grand Inquisitor) to the Iranian Hostage Crisis (October Surprise) and beyond. "
http://www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/duboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4279&forum=DCForumID35&archive=yesThis thread is about the possible repercussions to Americans. I thought this post by bain_sidhe was really good. It included this quote:
"I think there will be a lot less public resistance to increased surveillance by law enforcement and/or restrictions on privacy, freedom of speech and assembly, than there has been to date, or that there would have been prior to the attacks. And I also think there will be a lot less Congressional resistance to increasing law enforcement powers, and to spending more money - maybe a LOT more money - on defense.
From what I've read, Senate Democrats were planning to hold the Defense appropriations bill until after the appropriations for their priorities had been dealt with. That is no longer a politically defensible strategy, meaning whatever deficits result from this year's appropriations bills will be blamed on Democratic spending priorities - social welfare, health care and education programs - instead of Bush's defense spending priorities.
I think that the economic slowdown is going to cause some real pain to people - and under Bush's budget, the social safety net will have huge holes (not to mention the pain the Bankruptcy bill will cause laid-off workers). Democrats were just starting to make that point to the country at large. Now the blame for any economic difficulties can be deflected from Bush's policies and placed on the destruction of one of the main financial centers of the country - and coincidentally, giving the American people a ready-made (and emotionally more *satisfying*) target for their anger about any economic pain they may have.
At a time when - after months of giving Bush a free ride - news media was just starting to be more critical of his policies, this attack - and the desire to rally around the country (and Bush as the leader of the country) makes it more difficult for news organizations to be critical of Bush - for *any* reason, not just on things related to this incident. I think this same sentiment will make the general public reluctant to question/oppose Bush, too - even for good reasons. And I have no doubt that those who *do* oppose Bush for *any* reason will have their patriotism questioned in the harshest terms in order to discredit or marginalize the critics - and it will probably work."
"I wouldn't put this past Bush and his co-horts. Re-read some of the past thread regurgitating his family's glorious background. Remember, three time he voiced desires for a dictatorship. How best to go about creating one but to have a major disaster occur of outrageous proportions."
"However, that does not mean in my mind I'm going to play into Bush's hands and cheer for or automatically stand behind anything he or his regime says, now or in the days ahead. These people cannot lead in times of tranquility so I have no faith in their ability to lead in times of turmoil. If anything all the hubbub now will encourage them to keep shoving their agenda through behind the scenes. Whatever statements or utterances Bush makes now will just be the same parrotted propaganda his handlers put in front of him. I will not go so far as to speculate that Bush or his henchmen had anything to do with today's events but on the flip side I cannot believe they will not try to profit as much as possible or they will shelve their motivations for the time being.
I respect William Pitt immensely (he and Starpass are my favorite posters here) and find his insight invaluable but must say that I cannnot allow Bush and his cronies to capitalize upon this massacre by ensnaring me into rallying for his causes or looking to him for guidance. If anything watching Bush attempt to handle this meaningfully as Clinton or even Reagan would have makes it all the more obvious we need real leadership."
"People will rally around...him in this tragedy and he will be elected in 2004."
http://www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/duboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4299&forum=DCForumID35&archive=yes#3Good question posed by enki after W's little evening speechy:
"(paraphrased) we will not make distinctions between those who committed these acts and those who harbor them.
i just want to know, how broadly will that message be interpreted?"
http://www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/duboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4325&forum=DCForumID35&archive=yes#3A couple of things I learned today from skimming these old threads:
I'm surprised to find that the so-called "report" of "Palestinians" cheering on the attack was already available and cited in these threads:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/duboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4296&forum=DCForumID35&archive=yes#1http://www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/duboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4289&forum=DCForumID35&archive=yes#4And Republicans already blaming Clinton, before the attacks even known to be over:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/duboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4283&forum=DCForumID35&archive=yes#2This I never heard and don't know whether it's significant looking back (Kabul under attack):
http://www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/duboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4308&forum=DCForumID35&archive=yes#3Muslim-hating already starting and cited here (and defended by some, unfortunately):