Very funny live show sending all the right (left) messages. :applause: Coming to a state near you in 2007
http://www.sfmt.orgThe San Francisco Mime Troupe
Opens 2006 Season with World Premiere of
San Francisco, CA: The Tony award-winning San Francisco Mime Troupe presents their brand new musical comedy, GodFellas, directed by Ed Holmes.
Imagine a nation where religious fervor runs hot, and rhetoric runs hotter. Where belief has replaced reason, and where Liberty and Justice play a broken second fiddle to an all powerful, omniscient, omnipresent military-industrial God complex. That's the nation Reverend C.B. De Love wants. That's also the nation where shy civics teacher Angela Franklin finds herself. In her struggle to stop the coming Theocracy, will Angela go too far? In her zeal to destroy the opiate of the masses, will she make a religion out of her anti-religion, joining the ranks of the Gangsters for God? Or will she see the folly of blind faith in anything - even the Constitution - and return to Reason?
In an age of tightening belts and terror alerts, the people turn to religion as the one 'true' force to make everything better. If you want change, "You better get on God’s good side," says Michael Gene Sullivan head writer for the Troupe. There are plenty of religious leaders to tell us how, but as Sullivan notes, "It never seems to include overthrowing those that actually benefit from your misery." Millions of dollars are being diverted from government programs into the faith-based "non-profits" which makes one question - who is the source of our suffering? Is it Satan? Is it God? Or, is it the money-changers who line up the "congregational" votes and feed their appetite for power.
Mime: the exaggeration of everyday life in story and song. No, not that other kind of mime!
The San Francisco Mime Troupe creates and produces socially relevant theater of the highest professional quality. Founded in 1959 by R.G. Davis, the company became the San Francisco Mime Troupe in 1961. This has led to a tradition of more than four decades of free outdoor performances using song, dance, music and comedy to enlighten, entertain and provoke.
Since 1970, the Troupe has operated as an artist-governed collective, comprised of actors, musicians, writers, composers, directors, designers and technicians who the create shows and make policy as well as approve tour plans, grant sources, expenditures and special projects.
The Troupe won its first OBIE Award in 1968 for "uniting theater and revolution and grooving in the park." Since then, two more OBIEs, the coveted Tony Award (for Excellence in Regional Theater), the Bay Area Media Alliance's Golden Gadfly Award for Lifetime Achievement and numerous Bay Area Theatre Critics' Circle Awards have been added to the list of the company's many honors.
Performances of the San Francisco Mime Troupe are made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the City of San Francisco Grants for the Arts, the San Francisco Arts Commission, the Bernard Osher Foundation, the Columbia Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the W.A. Gerbode Foundation and the Zellerbach Family Foundation.
Written by: Michael Gene Sullivan, Jon Brooks, Christian Cagigal, and Eugenie Chan.
Music and Lyrics: Bruce Barthol, Amos Glick, and Pat Moran
Cast: Velina Brown, Christian Cagigal, Lisa Hori-Garcia, Keiko Shimosato, Michael Gene Sullivan, and Victor Toman.
Nationwide in 2007