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News Update From Mexico:from President of the Republic in Resistance

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Wiley50 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 04:56 PM
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News Update From Mexico:from President of the Republic in Resistance

news update


Thu, 7 Sep 2006 19:47:40 -0500 (CDT)

This opinion piece from La Jornada is worth
looking at to orient ourselves as to what
happens next. The National Democratic Convention
is scheduled for September 16,
and the options
Batres refers to will be decided among at
that meeting.
My down-and-dirty translation
into English is followed by the original Spanish below.

De Jornada, el articulo original debajo.

Presidente de la República en resistencia

President of the Republic in Resistance

Martí Batres (head of the national PRD)

President of the Republic in Resistance

The Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of
the Federation (TEPJF) endorsed the fraud
committed in the voting boxes by means of the
introduction of spurious votes.

Its decision is illegal because it included in
the count thousands of fraudulent votes.

It’s not true that this decision is legal
just because the tribunal says so.

It is outside the law because it contradicts
what is indicated by the constitution, the
Federal Law for Institutions and Electoral
Procedures (Cofipe) and by its own tribunal law. It agreed that in fact the ballots exceeded the number of voters that appear on the voting roll, along with the argument that it didn’t alter the final result in the corresponding voting place. On analyzing the irregularities separately, the tribunal makes a joke of principles of objectivity and certainty because it tries to ignore that the combined irregularities, however small they may be, invert, turn around, and change the result of who won, while the supposed difference is less than two votes per ballot box. This decision is inadmissible morally, politically, historically and

Faced with the illegal resolution of the TEPJF,
the immediate reply of civil and pacific
resistance will be the national democratic
convention. The convention will represent the
people in resistance and will have to decide
the path of the movement and the political
future of México. The alternatives between
which the convention will decide have been put
into debate. For example, it will have to
decide whether to form a government of the
Republic or a national coordination of the
civil pacific resistance.

That also implies deciding whether to recognize
a legitimate president of the United States
of Mexico
or whether the convention elects a
head of Government in Resistance, or someone
charged with Executive Power, or a national
coordinator of the civil pacific resistance.
All that, for as long as the usurpation lasts.

I beleive that the nacional convention should
name a President of the Republic in Resistance.
The convention can, as representative of the
sovereign people, get to the bottom of the
irregularities that the TEPJF didn’t resolve,
approve a report, and subsequently declare a
President of the Republic.

This doesn’t mean that the convention elects
a president. The people of Mexico already
elected a president, the past July 2.
It means that the convention could make a
declaration based on the law, given that
the IFE and the TEPJF declined to comply
with the law.

To form a national coordination for resistance
would not be new. In fact, there’s already a
coordination for resistance. Formalizing it
could be interpreted as the redición (?)
of other experiences or as the admission that
an imposition has been consummated and the
only thing left to do is

The movement has to go much further this time
and explore unknown roads in the contemporary
political struggle.

Forming a parallel government, recognizing a
legitimate president or declaring a president
of the Republic in Resistance signifies a new
road, but not anything beyond historical
similar antecedents.

In the XIX century, when conservatives by means
of a coup imposed an illegitimate president in
the National palace, Benito Juárez toured the
country as the legitimate, constitutional
president of
México. The episode was repeated
when the conservatives brought Maximiliano of
Habsburg as Emperor and Juárez came back and
toured the country. The Laws of Reform were
decreed by Juárez in his first tour of the
country as the legitimate president while the
conservatives were in the National Palace.
Also the sovereign Convention de Aguascalientes
had already named presidents of the Republic
to resolve the power vacuum derived from the
struggle against the usurpation by Victoriano
Huerta. In more recent times, Manuel J.
formed a parallel cabinet after the electoral
fraud of 1988.

Later on, in 1994, the democratic movement
declared Amado Avendaño Governor in Rebellion
in the state of Chiapas, confronting the
electoral fraud that the PRI carried out.
Then in this term the Zapatistas formed the
Committees of Good Government in Chiapas, and
most recently in this year the Asamblea
Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca was formed.
All these are examples of dual powers that
extraordinary times have
created, and with
different results in the national or regional
history of México.

The resolution of the TEPJF does not sum up the
electoral fraud. And the civil resistance
with a legitimate president of México at the
head can achieve the re-establishment of
constitutional order. Mexicans voted for
Andrés Manuel López Obrador to be president
of Mexico and this is the challenge that
the national democratic convention has to set
out with.

The history of México tells of different frauds
and avoided impositions. Precisely, in 1991
Vicente Fox called for not accepting the
failure of the electoral committees of
Guanajuato:Comisión Electoral, Colegio Electoral
and Tribunal Electoral, which declared winner
and governor-elect Ramón Aguirre. Fox and his
people took the airport and strangled the
highways as actions of civil resistance and
achieved that Ramón Aguirre never took the oath
of office as governor of Guanajuato. This same
year, the civil resistance in San Luis Potosí,
headed by Doctor Salvador Nava, prevented the
entrance of Fausto Zapata to the government
building of San
Luis Potosí by means of a sit-in
of hundreds of women of San Potosí. One year
later, in 1992, an electoral fraud was pulled
off in Michoacán, to steal his win from
Cristóbal Arias and impose the PRI candidate
Eduardo Villaseñor as governor, who took office,
kept it for some months and then resigned
because of the pressure of mobilizations.
If there is decision by the directors and
response by the people, Felipe Calderón will
not become president of the Republic, or down
the road he’ll be kicked out, overtaken by
the political reality of Mexico.


Copyright (c) 2005 La Jornada

La Jornada: Presidente de la República en resistencia


Thu, 7 Sep 2006 19:47:40 -0500 (CDT)

Martí Batres

Presidente de la República en resistencia

El Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la

(TEPJF) avaló el fraude cometido en las casillas electorales por

medio de la inyección de votos espurios. Su decisión es ilegal

porque incluyó en el cómputo miles de votos fraudulentos. No es

cierto que esta resolución sea legal sólo porque la dicta un

tribunal. Está fuera del marco de la ley porque contradice lo que

señala la Constitución, el Código Federal de Instituciones y

Procedimientos Electorales (Cofipe) y la propia jurisprudencia

del tribunal. Este validó los votos sobrantes que exceden

número de votantes que aparecen en la lista nominal, con el

argumento de que no alteran el resultado final de la casilla

correspondiente. Al analizar las irregularidades por separado, el

tribunal burla los principios de objetividad y certeza porque

pretende ignorar que las irregularidades en su conjunto, por

pequeñas que sean, invierten, voltean, cambian el resultado del

ganador de la contienda, toda vez que la supuesta diferencia es

de menos de dos votos por casilla. Esta decisión es

moral, política, histórica y jurídicamente.

Frente a la resolución ilegal del TEPJF, la respuesta inmediata

de la resistencia civil y pacífica será la convención nacional

democrática. La convención será la representación del pueblo en

resistencia y tendrá que decidir el rumbo del movimiento y el

futuro político de México. Se han puesto a discusión un conjunto

de alternativas entre las que decidirá la propia convención. Por

ejemplo, tendrá que
decidirse si se forma un gobierno de la

República o una coordinación nacional de la resistencia civil

pacífica. Esto implica también decidir si se reconoce a un

presidente legítimo de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos o si la

convención elige a un jefe de gobierno en resistencia, a un

encargado del Poder Ejecutivo, o a un coordinador nacional de la

resistencia civil pacífica. Todo ello, en tanto dure la


Considero que la convención nacional
democrática debe nombrar a

un presidente de la República en resistencia. La convención

puede, como representación de la soberanía popular, entrar al

fondo de las irregularidades que el TEPJF no resolvió, aprobar un

dictamen, y en consecuencia declarar presidente de la República.

No se trata de que la convención elija a un presidente. El pueblo

de México ya eligió un presidente el pasado 2 de julio. Se trata

de que la convención haga una declaratoria basada en la ley, en

virtud de que tanto el IFE como el TEPJF
renunciaron a cumplir la


Formar una coordinación nacional para la resistencia no aportaría

un hecho nuevo. En los hechos, ya hay una coordinación para la

resistencia. Formalizarla podría interpretarse como la redición

de otras experiencias o como la admisión de que la imposición se

ha consumado y sólo resta resistirla. El movimiento tiene que ir

mucho más allá esta vez y explorar caminos inéditos en la lucha


Formar un gobierno paralelo, reconocer a un presidente legítimo o

declarar un presidente de la República en resistencia significa un

camino nuevo, pero no exento de antecedentes históricos parecidos.

Ya en el siglo XIX, mientras los conservadores por medio de un

golpe imponían un presidente ilegítimo en Palacio Nacional,

Benito Juárez recorría el país como presidente legítimo,

constitucional, de México. El episodio se repitió cuando los

conservadores trajeron a Maximiliano de Habsburgo como emperador

y Juárez volvió e recorrer el país. Las Leyes de Reforma fueron

decretadas por Juárez en su primer recorrido por el país como

presidente legítimo, mientras en Palacio Nacional estaban los

conservadores. También ya la soberana Convención de

Aguascalientes nombró presidentes de la República para resolver

el vacío de poder derivado de la lucha contra la usurpación de

Victoriano Huerta. En épocas más recientes, Manuel J. Clouthier

formó un
gabinete paralelo luego del fraude electoral de 1988.

Después, en 1994, el movimiento democrático declaró a Amado

Avendaño gobernador en rebeldía en el estado de Chiapas, ante el

fraude electoral que el PRI realizó. Ya en este sexenio los

zapatistas formaron las juntas de buen gobierno en Chiapas, y

apenas este año se formó la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de

Oaxaca. Todos estos son ejemplos de la dualidad de poderes que se

ha dado en momentos extraordinarios y con diferentes resultados

en la historia nacional o regional de México.

La resolución del TEPJF no consuma el fraude electoral. Y la

resistencia civil con un presidente legítimo de México a la

cabeza puede lograr el restablecimiento del orden constitucional.

Los mexicanos votaron para que Andrés Manuel López Obrador sea

presidente de México y ese es el desafío que tendrá que emprender

la convención nacional democrática.

La historia de México da cuenta de
diversos fraudes e

imposiciones evitadas. Precisamente en 1991, Vicente Fox llamó a

no acatar los fallos de los órganos electorales de Guanajuato:

Comisión Electoral, Colegio Electoral y Tribunal Electoral, que

declaraban triunfador y gobernador electo a Ramón Aguirre. Fox y

su gente tomaron el aeropuerto y estrangularon carreteras como

acciones de resistencia civil y lograron que Ramón Aguirre no se

presentara a rendir protesta como gobernador de Guanajuato. Ese

mismo año, la resistencia civil en San Luis Potosí,

por el doctor Salvador Nava, impidió la entrada de Fausto Zapata

al palacio de gobierno de San Luis Potosí por medio de un sentón

de cientos de mujeres potosinas. Un año más tarde, en 1992, se

consumó un fraude electoral en Michoacán, para despojar de su

triunfo a Cristóbal Arias e imponer al candidato del PRI a la

gubernatura, Eduardo Villaseñor, quien tomó posesión del cargo,

lo ejerció durante algunos meses y después renunció por la

presión de las movilizaciones. Si hay decisión de los

y respuesta del pueblo, Felipe Calderón no llegará a tomar

posesión del cargo de presidente de la República o en el camino

quedará como un presidente patito, rebasado por la realidad

política de México.


Copyright (c) 2005 La Jornada

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zeemike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 05:43 PM
Response to Original message
1. Good work thanks for keeping us informed n/t
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bananas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 06:35 PM
Response to Original message
2. k&r nt
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 06:45 PM
Response to Original message
3. Wow! I felt like I was reading the Declaration of Independence for the
first time--or something by Tom Paine!

Sent thrills up my spine!

Power to the people! May the sovereign people of the United States and the sovereign people of Mexico join hands! We, the people, are the rulers! Let's get clear about this. Everything else we see--the power of the war profiteering corporate news monopolies, and the power grabs of the Bush Junta (to torture and kill for their corporate oil war, rob us blind, and rip up our Constitution), and the rigged electronic voting systems that are preventing change--are a DISTORTION. They are WRONG. Things our WAY OUT OF BALANCE.

This Mexican document cuts through all the crap with such clarity! It lays out the wrong. It discusses the precedents for resistance. And it proceeds to organize the resistance in an orderly way, leaving it to the people for a collective decision on how that resistance should proceed.

In this country, now, I think there is less understanding of what the problem is--that a very specific mechanism of control over our election results has been put in place, quite deliberately--electronic voting systems, run on TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code, owned and controlled by Bushite corporations. People ARE getting onto it, but it's slow--partly because of the collusion, cowardice and corruption of many of our Democratic Party leaders, and the quite naked conspiracy of the corporate news monopolies (who actually DOCTORED their exit polls, on election night 2004, to force them to FIT the results of Diebold/ES&S's secret formulae); but, I think, mostly because of the sheer intensity of the effort to propagandize us, not to convince us of the felicity of unjust war, torture, multiple tax cuts for the super-rich and $10 trillion deficits, but rather to convince those of us who oppose these things that we are the minority; we, who hold the theoretical power to dismantle all the bad actor corporations who operate from our shores and seize their assets for the common good. We U.S. voters have quite a lot of potential power. The Corporatists know this, even if many of our people don't.

I think that the global corporate predator cabal has made a special effort to disempower and disenfranchise us. We further do NOT have the cohesive family/community connections of the poor in Mexico and throughout Latin America. Our cities and towns have been corporatized. We have been divided from one another and isolated. And, in this condition, too many of us have become addicted to the umbilical of corporate "news" to connect to each other as a nation. They use that dependence against us, and bombard peoples' heads with 24/7 disempowerment messages (that parade as messages of connectedness and involvement). The people in Mexico--and Venezuela, and Bolivia, and other places where the Corporatists ALSO own the media--simply ignore it. They have their own ways of communicating. I was particularly impressed by the Venezuelans who--when the military and the corporations who own all the media there tried a violent coup against their democratically elected president, Hugo Chavez--came out into the streets by the tens of thousands and stopped the coup. People who live in shantytowns, and earn a few pennies an hour, are better informed than the entire population of the United States was, on Nov. 2, 2004.

Secretly coded electronic vote counting, owned and controlled by Bushites. And many of us don't know.

All "news" and opinion controlled by 5 rightwing billionaire CEOs. And many of us are plugged into it, 24/7. (We may not believe most of their lies, but we do tend to believe one of them--that we are in the minority.)

That's one whopping big combined problem. But I think we should go for the mechanism of power--the vote--first. Without transparent, verifiable elections, we do not have the power to dismantle these corporate news monopolies. They will do as they like. They will spend $40 million just to propagandize and cow us. They don't care about our boycotts. So we must address those who might still care--or at least who are at a level of government where ordinary people still have some influence: state/local election officials. BOYCOTT THEIR NEW ELECTION THEFT MACHINES! FLOOD them with MOUNTAINS of Absentee Ballot votes this fall. A MASSIVE Absentee Ballot vote will show them up for the corrupt fools they are, and cause them such grief, panic and crisis that we will be able to FORCE reform of the election system NOW.

Can we get that message around? Bust the Machines--Vote Absentee!

We may not have strong communities any more, but we do have the internet. Spread the word!
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CarlVK Donating Member (632 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 06:46 PM
Response to Original message
4. I get the warm, glowing feeling that the PEOPLE of Mexico may triumph
at last. It's soul sustaining to see their perseverence.
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Selatius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 06:52 PM
Response to Original message
5. Obrador is trying to form Mexico's version of the Continental Congress
That seems to be what I got from it.
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Wiley50 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 07:21 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Yep, that's exactly what is happening
and I truly believe it will eventually work.

Anyone know how long our own war of independence took?
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Selatius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 07:35 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. 7 bloody years of resistance
Edited on Sat Sep-09-06 07:36 PM by Selatius
From the formal declaration on July 4th, 1776, to the signing of the Treaty of Paris ending the war on Sept. 3, 1783.
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Wiley50 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 07:47 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Anything worth having takes time and sacrifice
I wish us all the best
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greiner3 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 07:26 PM
Response to Original message
7. I don't see bush and the cia letting obrador live;
Imagine, some country attempting to declare itself free from tyranny and oppression
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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 07:55 PM
Response to Original message
10. The other parties & the other countries have accepted the outcome
Edited on Sat Sep-09-06 08:02 PM by UTUSN
Let's see:

The turnout was 58% and AMLO got 35% of that, which is 20% of the country's population. The idealistic posters here who keep referring to AMLO as "representing (ALL OF) Mexico" are just plain wrong. There was another news item today that said the campers in the Zocalo were dwindling in numbers.


.... Lopez Obrador has irritated many with a monthlong, traffic-snarling blockade of Mexico City's main downtown boulevard. The convention on Sept. 16 will decide whether to pull up the sprawling protest camps. ....

The main question is how long Lopez Obrador can keep mobilizing his followers. His actions already have alienated many and hurt the PRD. The same election Lopez Obrador terms fraudulent was the most successful ever for his party, making it the largest opposition force in Congress.

His call to ignore the federal government as illegitimate also poses a dilemma for PRD state and city governments, which depend heavily on funds from what Lopez Obrador calls "the regime of corruption and privileges."

One of three parties in Lopez Obrador's coalition, the tiny Convergence party, has started abandoning the movement's more radical positions.

For the moment, moderates in the PRD are "sort of stuck" because they can't afford to challenge Lopez Obrador's immense influence in the party, Estevez said. But the convention could help the party distance itself from its former presidential candidate by creating a separate vehicle for Lopez Obrador.

There also were questions about how democratic the convention would be. Fernandez said that it would operate on a show of hands, instead of taking formal votes. ....

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Wiley50 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 06:57 AM
Response to Original message
11. kick n/t
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Vidar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 07:27 AM
Response to Original message
12. Quite inspirational. Thanks for posting.
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