There is a hispanic guy at work, we'll call him Moe, who took citizenship classes in 2000, became a citizen, and voted in America for the first time, again in 2000. He told me he voted for bush, but in '04 voted for "I think his name was Edwards?". I assured him that he was at least partially correct. Anyway, he was telling me that he likes listening to talk radio sometimes because they help him learn English and they have interesting opinions. I asked him what stations he was listening to and he said , "The one with limbuh, is that his name?" I chuckled and said, "Close enough." I then proceeded to tell him about our local progressive station and he said he was going to try it out as well because he wants to learn new things about his adopted homeland. All this was two weeks ago. Yesterday he came up to me and told me he really likes some of the things he is hearing on the progressive station and he is getting his kids to help him log onto some of their websites. He specifically mentioned Stephanie Miller and Sam Seder. Moe is more patriotic than most who were born here and certainly wants to learn about America. He likely knows more American history than about 95% of the people out there, not because they are stupid, but because they take it for granted. I am glad that Moe is also taking an interest in our progressive station as well. He is the type of good citizen who will help spread the word throughout the Hispanic community about the evils of the bush administration and the rest of the neocon minions. One more thing, his oldest son is now 14 and Moe told me that if his son wants to join the Army and fight for America, "that's ok, but I want him to go to college." See, Moe loves his children and wants nothing but the best for them. He has values and isn't afraid to live them out in his everyday life, unlike some born here.