Conventional wisdom would have you believe that anyone who has just ascended to the Vice Presidency of the United States would want to know what was happening all over the world, not just in one part of the world.
But it seems as though during the transition between the Clinton and Bush Administrations, all Dick Cheney wanted to know about was Iraq.
During an episode of Hardball earlier this year, Chris Matthews revealed what he was told by an inside source, on how Dick Cheney only had eyes for Iraq during the transition:
"Let me not let one guy off the hook here, that’s Cheney, Bob. I talked to someone last night who knows better about this than anybody — off the record —
who told me the first thing Cheney wanted when he got the vice presidency, during the transition of 2000, what he wanted was not a briefing on the world, all he wanted to know about, where do we stand in Iraq? He was keyed on that decision from day one, long before 9-11, and it certainly looks like these guys weren’t surprised by the decision to go to Iraq. They had it in their mind ahead of time."
Now mind you, the outgoing National Security Adviser Sandy Burger had warned the incoming Bush team during one briefing:
"I believe that the Bush administration will spend more time on terrorism in general, and on al Qaeda specifically, than any other subject."Yet, Dick Cheney's mind was not on Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, the man who was preparing to attack this country.
His obsession was on someone who didn't pose a threat.
Any officials from the ABC Network trolling this board? If so, can you enlighten me on whether this will be in the "Path to 9/ll?" I'm just asking!