Everyone should be aware that Disney wants the Republicans to continue their control of our government for several reasons, and I will lost only a few here:
LABOR RELATIONS With theme parks, movie studios, hotels, cruise lines, etc., Disney is a labor-intensive corporation. Any hike in the minimum wage would dampen their corporate profits. Any national health care system would also hurt them, and like all major corporations with union labor, Disney wants legislation that will allow them to walk away from their pension obligations entirely.
Media Monopolization Disney wants even more de-regulation of the media. With thinning profit margins on film production, Disney wants to merger with other major studios in order to control costs and boost profits.
Illegal Immigrant Labor Disney benefits greatly from a steady supply of cheap immigrant labor to work in their hotels and theme parks. They would greatly benefit from a guest worker program probably more than any other corp. because the guest workers would also include creative talent, such as animators, film technicians, and computer operators.
Estate Tax Repeal The biggest individual shareholders and bondholders for Disney would reap huge benefits from a repeal of the Estate tax. Literally billions of dollars of Disney stock and bond holdings would be passed on to another generation, tax free.
These are just some of the reasons why Disney is using a propaganda film to help the Republicans win in October. The Republicans and Disney are hoping that this film will fire up the Republican base and get them to the polls to vote against their best interests.