What a way to "pop my first-post cherry" huh?!
Voting liberal is voting for losers
John Buffum
Posted September 9 2006
I think it interesting that liberal writers are accustoming themselves more and more to the words "defeat" and "surrender." They are looking forward with relish to apologizing to everyone for defending ourselves. They see fully the consequence of this; surrendering our role as a superpower, and huddling with fear under our beds, waiting for the enemy to deal the death blow.
Spreading democracy, to them, is immoral and illegal. They desecrate the graves of our fallen heroes. Do I question liberals' patriotism? Yes, Mrs. Clinton!
I am glad they do this. Please, guys, keep up the good work. It lets everyone know who and what you are. It gives the people a clear choice.
These are the folks who would run this country. These are the folks that would walk in the footsteps of Washington, Madison, Polk, Lincoln, McKinley, Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman, Reagan (Cold War), and Bush 41. All of those presidents were war winners. These men understood that, for the nation to be safe, you must win your wars.
It just goes to show, you cannot trust the liberals to run this country. You cannot trust them with national defense. Do you really need more proof?
And what would happen to our returning soldiers? After Vietnam, the peaceniks, who later ran for Congress, gutted our veterans' benefits. Bill Clinton, the biggest peacenik of all, didn't give them a cost-of-living adjustment for years during his reign.
Vote liberal, vote defeat, ignominy, shame, gutting of defense. Clear choice. Win vs. lose. Vote Republican, vote victory.(Sorry if I'm posting more than I should, but it doesn't do it justice to edit it down.)
Some thoughts on this, may I? The ignorant twit failed to mention THE FACT that TRUMAN WAS A LIBERAL! Strike 1! (Didn't Washington describe himself as a LIBERAL as well?!) And he goes on about "can't trust liberals to run the show" well, uh, the GOP current runs ALL 3 BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT! Strike 2! And Strike 3 is claiming "peacenicks" gutted Veternans Benefits, again, this happend...UNDER THE TURD "PRESIDENT" WE HAVE NOW!!!!!!! Odd how this clod doesn't mention that, oh yeah, it wasn't in the White House TALKING POINTS MEMO! And as a Bonus Strike: Blaming Clinton for what now?! No cost of living increase?! Hrm, may have to look that up! Oh well how about this! The VERY FIRST linkypoo I got was this:
http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=49364Amazing! I found this on this new thing called GOOGLE! Ya see, ya type in something, oh I don't know, how about:
"bill clinton veteran benefits cost of living increase"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obviously the dorko who wrote (or ghost wrote!!!!!!) that garbage has no concept of thinking for themself. Go figure, Curious George* fan! Check it out:
Statement on Signing the Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 1994
October 25th, 1994
Today, I have signed into law S. 1927, the "Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 1994."
In signing S. 1927, I am pleased to extend a most deserved benefit to our Nation's service-disabled veterans and the surviving spouses and children of those who gave their lives in defense of our beloved freedoms. This Act not only maintains the value of benefits so dearly earned, but underscores a debt of gratitude that we can never fully repay.
S. 1927 provides a
in compensation and dependency and indemnity compensation benefits, effective December 1, 1994. This is the same percentage increase that Social Security beneficiaries and veterans' pension recipients will be receiving in January.
I salute the more than two and one-half million individuals who will directly benefit from this increase and all veterans and their families. Moreover, to those proud men and women still in uniform, our actions today bear witness to our Nation's commitment to you for your contributions to our security and well-being.
William J. Clinton
The White House,
October 25, 1994.
So, John Butthole Buffum (if that's not an alias, I don't know what is!) of Hollywood, FL..........F U! Someone please insert the Stephanie Miller "Lying sack of CRAP" jingle!!!!!!!!!
One more thing, how about the Koskovo action where NOT ONE US SOLDIER OR NATO SOLDIER DIED OR WAS HURT.
Compare that to this BULLSHIT Vietnam Pt. 2 aka Iraqagmire.
Now, it took me a whopping 5 MINUTES just now from start to finish including my google search. Odd how John Butthole couldn't do a modicum of reseach. Oh wait, I forgot, John Buffum is Jeff Gannon's new handle!
PS Thank you for being gentle in popping my new-post cherry!