I too went over to IMDB to see which network aired "Amerika" (both titles in your post aired on ABC) and was struck by some of the comments. This one struck me as odd for some reason-
User Comments:
1 out of 3 people found the following comment useful:- Fantastic mini series., 29 March 1999 Author: Nancy Magerl-Smith (nmagith@classic.msn.com) from Missouri, usa
I am one of the many of thousands who viewed the mini series Amerika and loved it. It was one of the most moving and realistic mini series I have ever seen, actually making one "believe" that we could be invaded by one of our enemies and how vunerable we all are. Since the initial viewing, I have been puzzled as to why it was never shown again, why it is not available in video stores and why half the population has never seen it.
Although parts of it are still vivid in my mind, I live to see it again. Many movies have been made but not with the power that this one relayed. Fantastic acting, realistic plot, awesome ending. It should be made available again, each and every year as with other mini series. I think any and all who have seen it would agree. I know my life stopped each night it aired as I lived in the film. My children were moved as any viewer had to be. We all needed to know that our country was as great as we believe it to be and it was. As a novelist, I believe the writers, as well as the actors all deserved to be nominated for an academy award.
___ Nancy had more gushing commentary later.
The last part of this comment was interesting-
3 out of 4 people found the following comment useful :- Outdated but visionary, 29 March 2006 8/10 Author: belzanath from United States
*** This comment may contain spoilers ***
Kind of dry in some parts. I felt they could have told the story in fewer episodes. There are some great monologues that make you think about your view of America. I was too young when this came out to remember the controversy, but after seeing especially the last episode I can see how some might have seen the Congress scene offensive.
What I find interesting is how a Democrat Senator from Massachusetts (Devin Milford) lost his bid for president to another guy who ultimately sold the country out, after a major terror disaster, to the UN and the Soviets in an effort to form a new world order and global peace. Remind you of someone? I wish this film wasn't blacklisted in the media, never to be shown or released again. It would be nice to see this released on a DVD with sound updates. ______
and this-
0 out of 3 people found the following comment useful :- robert urich jobeth williams and sam neill in america, 10 February 2002 Author: COL. HASHISH RECORD IV (unemployedwritermcr1970) from stay away from foriegn military drug cults PRI for example
also christie lahti darlene fluegel and kris kristofferson. There was much edited out of this among which was more of a explanation of what happend when the CIA got corrupted and the nation fell apart. A interesting film, feels like awestern but also a modern incanration of a dicken classic or a dumas book or film. In the wake of a political cernobyl a hum drum police state arises which ultimately leads to a insurrection.
For some it would seem, "Amerika" was rather effective at conjuring up a mix of patriotism and fear in some viewers. I never saw the series, but now I'd kinda like to. What month in 87 did it air?