Hall's fundraising outpaces Aydelott's as primary nearshttp://www.thejournalnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060910/NEWS02/609100347/1026/NEWS10The final pre-primary fundraising drive among the Democrats looking to unseat Rep. Sue Kelly, R-Katonah, shows early big-money frontrunner Judy Aydelott losing steam and Dutchess County musician John Hall building momentum.
Hall spent less because he has a large volunteer campaign team composed of community groups, union members and environmentalists, said his campaign manager, Amy Little.
Friends in the music and entertainment industry helped Hall, a co-founder of the band Orleans who lives in Dover Plains, take in much of his money by performing at fundraisers. The list includes Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Pete Seeger, Dar Williams and Steven Van Zandt.
"Our dollars stretched way farther because people are really committed to John," Little said. "Consultants, paid staff, slick mailings are nothing compared to having community support and energizing a base that will take John all the way to Washington."
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