Who is the one person Bush* put in charge of all terrorism related issues immediately after assuming office in 2001? Who's job was it to meet with Intelligence agencies and related departments to develop a workable plan to eliminate the threat of terrorism in America, and what sort of job did they do prior to 9-11? Well the man is Dick Cheney and what sort of job did he do, well he held exactly zero meetings on the subject although he held many other meetings on unrelated issues such as secret energy meeting and numerous speeches across the land but not one single meeting on the most serious issue facing America at the time. There was a detailed report, (bipartisan report) that was placed on the desk in the oval office before Bush8 even got there. It was called the Hart-Rudman Report and went into great detail what the risks were and what needed to be done to alleviate such risks. This report was over two years in the making and was really quite detailed. It has not been read to this day not any of the recommendations within it been acted upon. Who is the man , the one man, appointed by Bush* to oversee all this? Dick Cheney is that man and how many meetings to this day has he had? He held zero meetings before 9-11. On Sept 10th the Justice Dept submitted their annual budget and all monies to fight terror were cut from that budget. Did Cheney, the one man, in charge of all related matters to terror know about these budget cuts and if so what was his reply?