No cheating. Don't look at the bottom until you have made a guess at these, and enjoy!
Historical perspective of their time in office:He was a moron. He knew he was a moron. He could not believe it when he was nominated, asking his handlers if they were sure there was no one more qualified: “I am a man of limited talents.” Nearly everyone he appointed was corrupt. His friends exploited his dimwitted good nature, taking everything they could grab. His own father once told him, “'s a good thing you weren't born a girl, because you can't say 'no.' ”
Historical quotes by others:“It reminds me of stale bean soup, of college yells, of dogs barking idiotically through endless nights. It is so bad that a sort of grandeur creeps into it...” On his use of the english language.
Historical perspective of their time in office:Was such a dismally inept nonentity, with such a shameful legacy of nonfeasance during a period of grave crisis, that his party splintered in disarray.
Historical quotes by others:“He acted with his usual strong determination, dogged stubbornness and confused insight.”
Historical perspective of their time in office:He was a high spirited person. Unfortunately those spirits were mostly distilled alcohol, taken straight, in quantities that could incapacitate a hippo. He actually was arrested after running over an old woman, most likely while drunk.
Historical quotes by others:“The incompetence of his administration has not stopped it from vigorously defending the president's sole authority to control the execution of the law.”
1)Warren G. Harding.
2)Franklin Pierce.
3)James Buchanan.
Congratulations to George W. Bush. He has managed to become a combination of the three worst Presidents we have had in our 200+ year history. Your daddy must be so proud!