The Iger Sanctions: Disney's Shareholders Should Be As Angry As Democrats've heard a lot of moral outrage about the politically-motivated lies ABC and its parent Disney plan to broadcast about 9/11, and rightfully so. But Democrats and viewers aren't the only aggrieved parties. Robert Iger's actions are inflicting serious damage on his company. Disney shareholders should be demanding corrective action from him, and shouldn't hesitate to take the appropriate steps if they don't get it.
If I were to hazard a guess, there won't be any immediate precipitious decline in stock prices. There may be some continued moves toward a boycott, but progressives haven't mounted an effective one since the Cesar Chavez days, and it's hard to demonstrate the impact of a boycott on a media company like Disney.
The real damage is longer-term, and it's already happening. The term "goodwill" is used to describe the intangible assets that add to a company's value. "Goodwill" typically includes client relationships, unique intellectual products (e.g. software or fictional characters), brand identification, and customer loyalty.
Every day that passes batters Disney's goodwill. While there may not be a devastating boycott, millions of Americans are being exposed daily to the image of Disney as a cynical company pandering to Dick Cheney and the other shady politicians now in power. These impressions have a lasting effect, even among those who don't hold strong political views of their own.
Disney executives are guilty of cynicism is allowing this hack job of a film to be created, but - from a management point of view - that's not even their most egregious error. They've badly misread the zeitgeist. A media executive's job is to know what the market wants.
Thomas Kean has already cheapened the value of his 9/11 Commission report by participating in this travesty. Robert Iger is now costing his shareholders untold millions in goodwill. If I were a major Disney shareholder, I'd be working the phones right now - not out of moral outrage, but to protect my investment.
can market knowledgeable DUers weigh in on this, please