Edited on Sun Sep-10-06 12:05 PM by Humor_In_Cuneiform
Re: Fahrenheit 911 & truth. When do you denounce Limbaugh, Swift Boat Liars etc? (About Todays "This Week" with George Stephanopolous)
On edit: George Will said on This Week that Democrats could be as angry as they wanted to about "The Path To 9/11", but until they denounce Michael Moore and Fahrenheit 911 etc they have no right to talk. So I sent him most of what is in this post by email to: georgewill@washpost.com Feel free to add your own email to his inbox
Dear Mr. Will and other GOP and CONservative politicians and pundits,
Republicans can also be as angry as they want to about Fahrenheit 911, which has been found to be very substantially true to fact in nearly all material and substantive areas.
You've got to start differentiating something that is negative about someone or some issue based on the truth FROM something that is negative about someone or some issue based on nothing but a pack of lies.
"The Path To 9/11" apparently falls into the latter category. As does most of what Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and the "Swift Boat Veterans" (liars) say.
The GOP politicians as well as the "pundits" all sound like a tape recording of one another repeating the exact same talking points. Very often these too are not in accord with the truth.
Then there are those of us who live in the "reality based community," what a concept! Try it, you might even like it!
What I'm waiting for, but definitely not holding my breath waiting for, is you and other GOP and conservative politicians and pundits to DENOUNCE ALL the liars that have been working so hard for so long to distort, mangle, and ignore the truth in favor of trying to score political points.
Until such time, I can't possibly take you seriously when you protest the supposed inaccuracy of anything.