the basic distinction between the two parties' ways of thinking and debating and arguing is that democrats argue on an intellectual, rational level and banana republicans argue on a visceral, emotional level.
this is not to say that there aren't thinking, calculating banana republicans at think tanks and behind closed doors -- of course there are. and certainly, there are very pationate democrats as well. but that's not how the arguments go in the media, in popular discourse.
democrats have long won every single intellectual argument over the invasion of iraq. the banana republicans have been factually and logically wrong with every single excuse they've trotted out. but the bottom line is that we invaded iraq BECAUSE WE HATE IRAQ, and in particular, because we hated saddam. that's all the banana republicans needed. as far as they are concerned, an intellectual justification would have been a nice fig leaf to cover their naked hate, but it was hardly necessary. again, the oil companies had their intellectual agenda, as did some of the key neo-cons, etc., but for the banana republican masses, all that mattered was that we hated saddam and that was good enough reason to go to war.
this meme plays out throughout all banana republican policies.
abortion? they hate the mother who would even consider ending her pregnancy, so they want abortion outlawed. logic does not apply. at every opportunity to discuss the matter, banana republicans lay more hate onto the mother, because that's how they support their position.
welfare? they hate anyone who doesn't EARN their money. to level more hate on, they make sure to imply that the welfare recipient is able-bodied but lazy, female, with kids out of wedlock, and best of all, black. they hate blacks, so they try to toss that in wherever they can get away with it. in some areas, hispanic might play better. all hate is local, or something like that...
estate tax? why, what's there to hate about paris hilton? sure, she did nothing to earn the money, and what calamity would it be if she was worth $30 million instead of $50 million, but why deprive her of the extra month when there's nothing to really hate here? besides, banana republican men are convinced, somewhere in the back of their minds, that one day, paris hilton will meet come to their door and fall in love with them and take them away from their miserable lives and in THAT case, that extra $20 million will come in handy. no hate for paris hilton, therefore no tax.
tort reform? well, we all hate lawyers, so let's cap the fee they can get from those massive class action suits. note that much of their argument is around hatred of the LAWYERS. true, some of it is about hatred of the consumers who spilled hot coffee on themselves and sued, but at least they did get injured. but the lawyers, everybody loves to hate lawyers, and arguing a case hardly seems worth getting 33% of a multi-million dollar settlement, so they want a cap on that. and when they talk about the corporations who caused the problem in the first place, they always point out how wonderful they are to provide goods and services and jobs day in and day out. it's all about deflecting hate from the corporation and on to the lawyers and the victims.
the point is, intellectual arguments are worthless if the other side isn't fighting on the same playing field. it takes two to have a proper debate. worse, they control the microphone. so they get to dismiss all our intellectual arguments and logic as ivory-tower, condescening, elitist, northeast, liberal, ivy league, jewish, whatever serves them to level hate onto our side.
one day we will be able to ensure that the media covers policy debates on an intellectual level. but that day is not today. today we must figure out how to fight on an emotional level. to deflect the hate from us. to deflect the hate from our constituents.
to make people hate the haters.