I have a lot of thoughts running through my brain in regards to this 5th anniversary of the deaths of almost 3000 people on Sept. 11, 2001 in coordinated attacks within the United States.
I didn’t know anyone on the planes or in the buildings…barring any 6th degree of separation. I have never looked at any of the lists of names of those that died that day. Maybe someday my curiosity will take over and I will look to see if there is a name that I recognize. Would I mourn more if I did know someone? I doubt it.
It was a tragic event and the sudden and unexpected deaths of so many loved ones for so many people will bring a quiet moment of remembrance in all my days to come. I think the thing that affected me the most that day was that I have felt that same sudden and unexpected loss and know the ache that is so deep it is hard to reach. To see the faces of those loved ones and friends that were left behind, I now know what my face must have looked like so long ago.
The buildings can, have or probably will be replaced or repaired. The inconveniences and loss of money for those businesses will be forgotten about. The one thing that we must always remember will be the people. They can not be replaced or rebuilt. Turning the date and the events into money making ventures, to me, is the most inappropriate dedication to the lives lost. These dramatizations that are being churned out with one stepping a little further over the truth than the last one are no less distasteful than spitting in the faces of those children that lost a parent that day.
We still don’t know the whole truth about what happened that day. I don’t care if there was a commission that ‘looked’ into it. There are gaps in the story and until we know the absolute truth, how can we write the history?
So, five years later the remains of those that died that day are lying in a garbage dump…buried with the trash. America has lost nearly 3000 of our military in a war within a country that had nothing to do with attacking America. Over 100,000 innocent Iraqis are dead and thousands are dying each month because of our invasion of that country. And the hundreds or thousands that died on the gulf coast last year, to me, is also connected.
It doesn’t matter if you believe that 19 men hijacked 4 planes and flew them in murderous suicide missions, or that you believe the government had something to do with it or knowingly allowed it to happen, just please remember the people affected that day.
Remember yourself, your loved ones and your friends…because our lives didn’t come with a script