It is for the lazy, easily led people who don't read much, get their "news" from TV and talk shows, and don't want to think. Why do I think this? The faults in the film are easy to see, but only if you have been paying attention. While the reviews in most newspapers have been bad to scathing, the reviews in the publications that the target audience see, such as TV Guide, and the tv guide included in my Sunday paper today, are glowing and fully support the lies. So for many folks, the ones bushco really wants to keep on their side, the lower middle class and poor folks who still vote for repukes instead of voting in their own interests, they will only see the lie as "truth" and everything they read will support the lie.
For once I wish we had a "V" who could break into the broadcast and tell the truth to the audience.....
If you don't believe me here is the TV guide review:{0AB4ABF3-DA31-4C1C-8619-4CC3FE7A6484}&cmsSrch=true
I can't find the local review but it ended with "It is the truth"!!! They are nothing if not blatant about it.