Veterans Advocate Jim Strickland says,No you can not
http://www.vawatchdog.orgDelpeted Uranium (DU) has caught your attention and generated some mail for me recently. Veterans are hearing more buzz about their risk and want to know who to turn to for meaningful information. More than anything else,Veterans want to know if they should be concerned or if they can believe what Department of Defence (DOD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs,(VA) are telling Them .. (NO WAY)
Depleted uranium is a by-product of the process of creating nuclear energy or making weapons. Its radioactivity is low and brief exposure probably isn't hazardous as a dental x-ray. It's a super hard material that makes it ideal for weapons designed to penetrate heavy armor or in the obverse,building heavy armor that's impenetrable to conventional weaponry.The health hazard comes in not from brief exposure but from breathing fumes or inhaling microscopic fragments when DU is used as intended. SUCKED INTO YOUR LUNGS ITS STAYS THERE emitting its radioactive particles... FOREVER
Imbedded shrapnel in human tissue is a no-brainer,retaining "souvenirs" from the battlefield and taking the stuff home secretively is a known issue too..soldier have done that since before the Romans conquered thier world. Today,DOD 7VA are telling us that we needn't worry.we should be happy! They're aware of all the potentials and have handle on everything. HMMMMMMMM ,THERE's THAT STRANGE AND ANNOYING FEELING AGAIN... IT's LIKE I've BEEN HERE BEFORE (AGENT ORANGE) COMES TO MIND.