Is there ANY way Harvey Keitel lives this down....
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:11 PM
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Is there ANY way Harvey Keitel lives this down.... |
This was so bad, Harvey came off as a bad actor.
A career ender??? :shrug:
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:12 PM
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1. I personally am not feeling especially merciful |
After all, he stepped into it himself.
Foresight is WAY better than hindsight.
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:13 PM
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I loves me some Harvey! I've been a fan for years; one clunker won't change it. But what a clunker!
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:14 PM
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Edited on Sun Sep-10-06 10:15 PM by Kire
I was stuck at the airport. The president was in town for the ceremony at Ground Zero, so they diverted all the planes.
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:14 PM
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Those actors somehow survived.
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:15 PM
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5. he's a non-starter in Hollywood after this. Better if he said he was gay. |
Then at least he would be more interesting.
Now he's just a stupid shmuck that was a tool.
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:15 PM
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6. Nah, I don't think it's a career ender. |
He's been in some turkeys before. I can't think of them, but I know he's been in some.
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:19 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
8. It's one thing to be in Ishtar, another to be a nitwit RW dupe.... |
He is probably reading his scripts more, if any, and is shopping for a new agent.
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:15 PM
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7. Is the movie really bad? Aside from the fact that we hate it. |
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:20 PM
Response to Reply #7 |
9. Occasionally, the camera would pause for two or three seconds... |
but most of the time, it would cut about once a second.
No human interest. No continuity. And the worst dialog I can remember outside of Ed Wood.
Aside from that, boffo.
Olney Blue
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:20 PM
Response to Reply #7 |
10. Your duct-taped goose is more eloquent. 'Nuf said. |
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:41 PM
Response to Reply #10 |
24. I rented a movie. Therefore, I am ignorant. Ignorance is bliss. |
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:40 PM
Response to Reply #7 |
22. Let me put it this way: I almost called to order some "Head-On" |
from that goofy commercial (different channel as I was desperately looking for something watchable) :D
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:20 PM
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11. He should have stuck to nude wrestling with Kirk Douglas |
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:25 PM
Response to Original message |
12. my understanding is that he was presented |
with a credible assessment... and when he learned of this nonsense, he said ABC should pull it... so I don't think all folks involved got the same pitch
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:28 PM
Response to Reply #12 |
14. but wouldn't he know where it was going based on the script ? |
before he actually did the movie ?
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:33 PM
Response to Reply #14 |
18. but he had the co-chair of the 911 committee lending his |
backing to this project, he was told it was a historical drama of sorts... he did not know that it was this politically loaded
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:38 PM
Response to Reply #18 |
21. I'm told he sensed the script was inaccurate so he hired... |
an investigator and then personally rewrote much of his dialog to be more historically accurate.
Imagine what the original script must have been like. :rofl:
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:40 PM
Response to Reply #18 |
23. well, he doesn't seem all that informed about politics |
he should have asked one of the Dems on the committee also rather than Republican Kean.
and even without asking anyone i would have known it was a bunch of crap.
but i am glad he is speaking out now. and i hope he continues to do it.
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Mon Sep-11-06 07:42 AM
Response to Reply #14 |
29. A lot of times actors are only given their pages and out of order. |
They just get whatever is being filmed and it all gets pieced together. If this is the tactic the director used, then it's really hard to know the actual story line until it's too late.
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:28 PM
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13. I thought his career was already ended - he hasn't been in anything lately |
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:28 PM
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15. Keitel should be in... |
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Mon Sep-11-06 07:41 AM
Response to Reply #15 |
28. Yet another newbie adding a lame non sequitor to the discussion. |
Welcome to DU, trandter.
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:28 PM
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16. Is it not odd that actors never see their work in a final form? |
Is this some Hollywood tradition? By all means do not let any of the actors see anything!
He only started squealing when the dime got dropped on ABC/Jobney.
I assume his checks cleared the bank?
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:29 PM
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17. Memo to Harvey: FIRE YOUR AGENT! nt |
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:34 PM
Response to Reply #17 |
19. That and pretend your gay. Works on two levels. |
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Sun Sep-10-06 10:37 PM
Response to Original message |
20. I never could figure out which guy he was. The only time I ever |
remember seeing him in a movie was that weird one about the vampires down in Mexico...the one with George Whatshisname...but then I don't watch many movies...;-)
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Sun Sep-10-06 11:08 PM
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25. He's a dope for not walking off the set |
i've lost respect for him. Sucker.
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Mon Sep-11-06 07:38 AM
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Mon Sep-11-06 07:40 AM
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Branson MO and Praise the Lord TV
Hubert Flottz
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Mon Sep-11-06 07:42 AM
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30. Who is this Harvey Keitel? |
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Mon Sep-11-06 07:45 AM
Response to Reply #30 |
31. The star of "Freeper Madness" aka "The Path to 9/11" aka... |
"Path 9/11 from Outer Space"
Hubert Flottz
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Mon Sep-11-06 07:47 AM
Response to Reply #31 |
32. I've Xed him from my memory banks! |
Edited on Mon Sep-11-06 07:52 AM by Hubert Flottz
Who needs him?
Harvey Keitel is a man who loves money and hates his country.
Jed Dilligan
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Mon Sep-11-06 07:49 AM
Response to Original message |
33. He could give another $13,000 to the Party |
That would be a start.
As for the acting, it was so unmemorable that no one will remember it. They will remember Harvey in his truly great roles.
All they will remember of this is that a good actor and a good Democrat got suckered into being in a RWPOS.
Isn't the first time!
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