I feel that bush lied - he knew a lot more than he has ever admitted.
I feel thousands died that day - and while I blame the hijackers - I also hold bush accountable for doing so little.
More have died in bush wars then did on 9/11. Do I feel safer?? Hell no - the only reason I feel any safer is that I know that next time some jackass tries to hijack a plane they will be attacked en masse by the passengers. I feel safer because I believe in our people, not because I believe in bush.
I feel sadness that bush has stonewalled and lied to us, more to the point I feel anger.
I feel a peace within, knowing that we as a country survived despite bush and his power grab: and that we here at DU and liberal blogs have seen past his lies.
I feel the memories of that day deep within, and pray we never go through such a hell again.
I feel I was happier and life was better when Clinton was in power. Not perfect, but a lot better. o I feel rethugs care only about the few still, while the many suffer and die for their goals - more than died on 9/11, if they really cared why are they not working for the poor people here in the US?
I feel anger at dems that have let us down and sided with bush out of fear, etc.
I feel I just want to do something more for those in need, and am sad I am not wealthy enough to help them all.
I feel anger, sadness, depression, remorse, and yet too I feel hope that we will someday take back this government from the assholes in charge now.
Give up and flee? Hell no, too many depend on us to fight.
5 years later...
I feel empowered, I feel a bit of hope, and I feel the tide may be turning. I feel americans are waking up from a long sleep. I feel we have our chance, and I feel we have made a difference.
You have all made a difference with me and my life, politically speaking. Even just being internet 'warriors' your posts have made me a better man, gave me hope, helped me cope.
I feel better. I feel many have spent hours of their life, days, months, years, working hard to educate us and trying to change things.
I feel - we can win.