wise to me... all these years, tears, and dead people later, civillian, and military alike-
Hope it's ok to repost this Will, and Mods.
I was looking back at the days soon after 9/11 (when I was a lurker) and it seemed like something people need to hear again and again and again....until they actually listen.
We CAN 'kill' hatred with kindness- it's the only way we will ever really 'win'-
WilliamPitt Donating Member (15402 posts)
Sep-16-01, 07:38 PM (ET)
War on terrorism, my arse
I hope this comes out coherently. I am reeling from flu and fever right now, but a thought has been swarming in my head all day, Finally got back from New York, and wanted to share.
Coming back today on the road, I listened to NPR. Caught Bush's awful, choppy, confused, mangled speech this afternoon. Over and over he said he was gonna win the war against terrorism.
My ass.
We cannot win a war against terrorism with guns and bombs and invasions and fire and death upon death upon death.
Sure, we can gut the bastards who killed our people. Make examples of 'em, put their heads on spikes, whatever. We can even turn Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq and whatever other nation helped this attack into nice new blacktops. Some paint, and we can park our SUVs on them.
That won't win the war against terrorism.
THE ONLY WAY we can win the war against terrorism is if we eradicate despair, starvation, economic and social disenfranchisement, political exclusion of peoples, and the general practice of building walls and guns and bombs.
Despair breeds terrorists. Economic disenfranchisement breeds terrorists. Fundamentalist religion is but gasoline upon this fire.
These people don't hate freedom. They friggin' CRAVE IT!
To win the war against terrorism, we must give it to them. All else is destructive folly and short-term solutions to ageless problems.
Guess what, kids? It ain't gonna happen. Not with this fellow in the White House.
Our war on terrorism marches with bravery and fanfare in the absolute wrong direction.
And it breaks my heart.
Thanks Will, even 5 yrs later it is still the best option- the only real option.