Howard Stern Replaying 9/11 show
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Mon Sep-11-06 07:49 AM
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Howard Stern Replaying 9/11 show |
I'm sure there are many here that are not fans but for those that are and even for those that are not but might be interested Howard Stern is replaying the tapes of his show as aired on 9/11.
This was how I experienced 9/11/2001 and regardless how you feel about Howard I think you'd find this (if you are up for it, I know I can't bring myself to watch or listen to much of this kind of thing about 9/11) interesting and moving.
I don't mean you'll like everything you hear but you'll hear the raw emotion good, bad and just plain Human that coursed through so many of us that day.
PS: You need Sirius or internet access with a Sirius login.
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Mon Sep-11-06 08:03 AM
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1. Howard Stern?? Is he some sort of actor or something? |
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Mon Sep-11-06 08:47 AM
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2. I'm listening now..... |
It's sad to hear it all over again... :cry:
Jeanette in FL
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Mon Sep-11-06 08:52 AM
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3. I am listening to Howard too |
And it is surreal. It is amazing to hear this in real time. He called so many things correctly at the time. I can't stop listening.
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Mon Sep-11-06 09:00 AM
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4. I Think, For a Lot of Broadcasters |
It seems easier to mark the day by airing their original coverage, rather than try to make any meaning of it.
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Mon Sep-11-06 09:43 AM
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5. They were on live for an hour and a half. Had actually polled the |
audience to ask them what they'd like to do this 9/11, and most said to replay that broadcast.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:04 PM
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