And Now For Something Completely Different.
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Mon Sep-11-06 07:52 AM
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And Now For Something Completely Different. |
DU is good for the soul. It helps keep information flowing.
I have to say today DU let me down with its "The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 259." The error is not as minor as it appears.
The RNC talking point _IS_ another 'Big Brother' lie,
"... the American homeland hasn't been attacked in the last five years ..."
One can only say this when one denies USA was successfully attacked using anthrax. The sniper attacks in and around Washington D.C. are also examples of terrorist attacks being 'forgotten' for political purposes.
DU must keep the pressure on. Keep the facts straight! There have been attacks on the homeland in the past five years. DU must not allow the failed policies of shrub and Co to get away with the lie.
Bush Lied. People Died. Media Cheered.
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