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The Lies of George Bush Exposed - Larry Johnson

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Coexist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 08:37 AM
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The Lies of George Bush Exposed - Larry Johnson

I wish I could post the entire entry - but the first four paragraphs will have to do - please head over via the above link to read this from beginning to end. It will piss you off, but on this, of all days, we need to remember how GW Bush took a national tragedy, and spun it into a web of lies that led nearly 3,000 Americans servicemen to their deaths.

The fact that the Cheney and Condi show is still out pushing this garbage is nauseating.

Thanks to Mr. Johnson for breaking it down like this, and for not sparing the Democrats who weren't bold enough to try to stop the President when they had the chance:

Part II (The findings on terrorism can be found at my initial post.)
Consider for a moment that a Republican controlled Senate Intelligence Committee released the reports today that are so damning to the lies Bush and Cheney repeated ad nauseum for the last three and a half years. What the hell is in the three additional reports that they don't want to release until after the November elections? It is difficult to imagine the truths still to be told.

These reports make clear that the case for war in Iraq was manufactured by ignoring the intelligence. However, this is not only an indictment of Republicans; it is an indictment of every Democrat who voted for going to war. Can't these people read? If the National Intelligence Estimate reflected a clear, unanimous opinion, then the Democrats could argue, "we were mislead by the intelligence". Hell bells, folks, the NIE consistently had dissenting opinions. That means there was NO AGREEMENT among intelligence analysts. Shame on every Republican and Democrat who were too goddamn lazy to read the NIE!

The first report, Postwar Findings about Iraq's WMD Programs and Links to Terrorism and How they Compare with Prewar Assessments destroys every lie advanced by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld to advance their case for starting a war in Iraq. These findings also show how bankrupt are the claims of Laurie Mylroie (who argued vociferously that Mohamad Atta met Iraqi agents in Prague), Stephen Hayes (who insists that Al Qa'ida and Saddam were in cahoots), and Christoper Hitchens. They are wrong.

The first section deals with the WMD issues. Here are the conclusions from the report:
the rest...

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Coexist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 12:16 PM
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1. .
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Annces Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 12:21 PM
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2. Will read later - kick
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