It is clear that the preferred method of dealing with such incompetence and lies about confirmed facts and actions is to "rewrite history" even as we speak.
THis process involves Cheney going on MTP and lying big time about confirmed facts, and "spinning" what the Bush Administration knew and did in the lead up to the Iraq invasion.
The truth is they intentionally ignored intelligence and facts that did not fit into their agenda, and now plead ignorance of that information, claim DEMS and REPUBS joined in their decisions without revealing that they lied to obtain Congress' authorization to use force as a last resort against Iraq.
Larry Johnson has it right. THere is no longer any question about the facts that have been released in the Congressional Report that show Bush lied.
The other three(3) reports that are being withheld until after the Nov midterm elections are likely chocked full of damning evidence that proves not only did Bush lie at the time action was taken, but that he has lied over and over again since that time to further a failed agenda and to enrich his friends and campaign contributors.
These three(3) reports will likely prove that this is the most corrupt Administration we have ever had, or likely will ever have in the future. These people need to not only be turned out of office, but also go straight to jail.
It is important for the lies and corruption to brought into the light of the day for the American people to understand what has been done, and to enable them to make changes and move forward as a democracy.
And let us not forget the shills in the MSM who have assisted in this most corrupt of cabals that hijacked our government, cost thousands of lives, looted our public treasury, and lied to us in every material respect. The MSM needs to be investigated as well, forced to break up and provide the public with sources of truth from those using the public airwaves.