... There is no way to win or lose. Why? You cannot wipe out an idea. We could track down and apprehend or kill every person who has attacked us in the past, but we can never stop the idea of "terror" against this country. And therefore it is ridiculous to think we can "win" a war on "terror."
Consider for a moment --with every civilian killed in Iraq, we are creating the next generation of individuals who embrace the idea of "terror" against the US, and who will in their own way support and put action to that thought.
Military force will never "win" and to characterize the conflict with these people as a "war on terror" is just the opportunity to wage a neverending, openended war against vague unidentified forces.
It is time for a change in identifying what we are doing and why we are doing it and when and on what basis we will finally conclude our present military actions.