MSNBC is running the news as hit happened 9/11
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Mon Sep-11-06 10:43 AM
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MSNBC is running the news as hit happened 9/11 |
Edited on Mon Sep-11-06 10:43 AM by puffthemagicdragon
MSNBC is running the news as it happened on 9/11. I remember waking up to my mom calling me when the first plane hit the first tower and we just thought it was an accident. Eerie to watch. Now with what we know now it just seems surreal that it even happened.
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Mon Sep-11-06 10:46 AM
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1. I've been watching on and off... |
Tough to watch...but it's pretty compelling... All I keep thinking of is "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Within the U.S.".... There it is in a nutshell...
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Mon Sep-11-06 10:54 AM
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2. Howard Stern is doing the same thing today. |
I remember listening to him as it happened. He and the gang did an extraordinary job.
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Mon Sep-11-06 10:56 AM
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would love to hear sterns version!
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Mon Sep-11-06 10:58 AM
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4. They were stranded in north Manhattan. |
He did a great job keeping a cool head amidst all the chaos.
It's on Sirius. :hi:
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Mon Sep-11-06 11:03 AM
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5. I am tivo'ing it and watching off and on. Chills up and down my spine. |
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Mon Sep-11-06 11:07 AM
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6. Lots of things happened and were said that I had forgotten. |
the most telling is the pictures of Bush in the classroom --still there after the first hit---being told about the second hit.
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Wed Mar 19th 2025, 02:20 PM
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