According to Justin Rood at
this race in Tenessee is currently a draw, but
"Tennessee, GOP Senate hopeful Bob Corker may have just been handed an "October Surprise" he didn't want.
The race -- currently a dead heat -- is considered a must-win for Republicans if they want to retain control of the Senate."
Here are the detailsTextGOP Senate Hopeful Gets Unwanted October Surprise?
By Justin Rood - September 11, 2006, 12:07 PM
In Tennessee, a new development in a three-year-old lawsuit may force new revelations out of the state's GOP Senate candidate, just weeks before the November election.
A judge today required Republican Senate candidate Bob Corker to testify and provide documents in response to a subpoena from a group of environmental activists with Democratic ties, who have filed suit over the former Chattanooga mayor's involvement in a questionable land development deal. Typically, such documents and testimony are public.
The judge ordered the information shared on Oct. 20 -- just three weeks before Tennessee voters are to decide whether he or Democrat Harold Ford Jr. will represent them in Congress. The two candidates are in a statistical dead heat, according to a new Wall Street Journal/Zogby poll.
The flap: Corker, a millionaire developer with a yen for public office, had a hand in two sides of a three-way deal to develop a Wal-Mart "supercenter" in the town of Chattanooga. His company sold land to the developers of the site -- and as mayor, his city administration allowed environmental concerns to be pushed aside in favor of the development.