then we'll really begin to restore this country.
I think the question of "where's the outrage" is profound beyond the obvious. Whatever has suppressed our** ability to either recognize the wrong, emote sufficiently or organize a shared response is a very serious and deep problem. It's not, at least for the other side, and absence of emotional intensity (they're filled with, perhaps even blinded by, anger and hate)--if anything, it's that they seem to prefer the flights of immoral hatred and intolerance provided by the Republican's new ideology to that of the more serious concerns for and anger over the corruption of government, abuse of power and being blatantly lied to by our President, Vice-President, Republican Congress (etc). They get to glory in the ectasy of erroneously thinking they're right, finally kicking ass and showing "the world" who's who. Seems to me that one reason the Democrats don't attract these people may have something to do with the fact that we aren't willing to stimulate and exercise their "righteous" anger (even worse, we condemn their self-indulgent intolerance and lust for violence). Still, none of that explains the behavior of what probably amounts to another third to half the population who are acting as though they were 'stoned' or catatonic (which effectively makes them
If we could only find and fix whatever is obstructing people from becoming properly aroused and/or acting on that arousal, we might turn this thing around. Perhaps too many people have come to believe they're helpless, so there's no point in reacting or doing anything (see
learned helplessness). If that's it, we need both an example and access to the media (to both cover the example and to use TV as a form of mass therapy). So easily said, but... I feel helpless, so I'll just cross my fingers and be sure to vote--yeah, that's the ticket--"real action"--to vote. It's a good thing I'm able to get outraged (I'll get around to doing something once my depression (related to learned helplessness
†) lifts).
A wee bit of sarcasm.†"Learned helplessness" offered a model to explain human depression, in which apathy and
submission prevail, causing the individual to rely fully on others for help. One wonders, can a whole population be conditioned to react with 'learned helplessness' with respect to, say, their roles as citizens? To be fair, there's not much evidence that learned helplessness affects humans and clearly some never react that way.
**"our" refers, in the main, to Americans other than those Democrats/progressives/liberals and other rational, critical thinkers who are awake, alert and aware of just how egregious, malicious and misguided the Bush Administration (and Republican majority) is in their thinking, attitudes, activities and behaviors. This includes realizing how vast and severe the damage is that they have done and are doing to our nation. It also includes the ability to feel outrage--though even among them, the level of outrage seems strangely less intense than it potentially be.