The media is librul becuase because Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Mike Gallagher, Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewitt, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Brit Hume, Tony Snow, G Gordon Liddy, Dr. Laura, Michael Medved, George Will, Ollie North, Robert Novak, Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingrahamn, Peggy Noonan, William Safire, Andrew Sullivan, Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, Bernard Goldberg, The Washington Times, Bill Krystsol, David Frum, Brent Bozell, Charles Krauthammer, David Horowitz, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Fred Barnes, William Bennett, Lawrence Kudlow, Steve Forbes, Dennis Miller, Matt Drudge, Byron York, Fox News, Sinclair Broadcasting, Clear Channel, the National Review, The Heritage Foundation, The Hoover Instutution, The Weekly Standard, The American Enterprise Institue, The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), The Cato Institute, The Club For Growth, The Federalist Society, NewsMax, TownHall, The NY Post, FreeRepublic.Com, any number of Christian Funamentalist ministers, and the NRA, told me so
We have to face it, the anti-conservative bias in America has reached monumental proportions. Don't believe me? Just look at these facts!
1. The Nation is used as a primary source every day by C-span’s Washington Journal, while the Weekly Standard is never even quoted.
2. Guests like Noam Chomsky appear regularly on the cable tv networks, while conservatives such as Pat Buchanan are silenced.
3. David Corn produces his own TV show, while Robert Novak is marginalized.
4. The most listened to radio show hosts are Mike Malloy, Randi Rhodes, and Stephanie Miller. Try as they may, conservative hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, and Sean Hannity can’t find stations willing to carry conservatives.
5. Liberal programs dominate the lineup at the top talk radio station in the country (WABC) and the top news network in the country (Fox News).
6. Prominent liberals control all major tv media outlets.
7. Anti-war liberals such as Maureen Dowd and Judith Miller consistently attacked Bush’s motives leading up to the Iraq war.
8. All of Armed Forces radio’s political content is liberals. Conservatives are consistently barred from AFR’s airwaves.
9. Liberal news sources owned by liberal cult leaders, such as the Washington Times, are quoted without disclosure of their ownership.
10. Conservatives never appear alone on a segment on TV, while liberals often appear alone. When there is a conservative, typically there are two-three liberals to counter the lone conservative.
11. While Bush’s alleged lies are trumpeted in the media, the events leading up to Clinton’s impeachment were ignored and dismissed.
12. Liberal pundits such as Molly Ivins and Jim Hightower appear daily on cable news networks, while Dick Morris and Ann Coulter are silenced.
13. Liberal billionaires such as George Soros buy up 100’s of thousands of liberal books to drive them up the NY Times Best Seller list. There is nobody on the right that does the same.
14. Attacks on the patriotism of conservative war heroes such as Dick Cheney and Rick Santorum are tolerated, without a response from conservatives.
15. Rumors on liberal web sites are peddled as fact in major media, while news items on drudge.com are panned.
16. Atheist liberals have unfettered access to Tv, and in fact have their own national TV networks, but no conservative Christian has access to Tv.
17. The DNC mobilizes liberals to write identical letters to the editor about issues of the day, called “Astroturf”. Conservatives do no such thing.
18. Issues important to liberals such as the “living wage” and Socialized healthcare dominate the debate in the press.
19. The funerals of dead soldiers, used to push the anti-war liberal cause, are broadcast daily across the country.
20. While no one was punished for the memos "proving" that George W. Bush skipped out on his guard service, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth were quickly ostracized and couldn’t gain access to major media.
21. The liberal media tells conservative Hollywood stars such as Vince Vaughn, Bruce Willis, and Arnold Schwartzenegger to "shut up", while liberal stars like Barbra Streissand, Tim Robbins, and Alec Baldwin are given the respect that a full time politico would receive.