He's like Dennis Miller, except Hitchen's delusions are so far out that he's actually funny!
Check it out. Richard Clarke, the Republican controlled Senate, the CIA and even Bush and Cheney themselves are lying about the Hussien/Bin Laden "connection." Iraq was even trying to get Niger uranium!
http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2006/s1738468.htmTONY JONES: That's alright, as long as you can hear me. Is it clear now, do you think, that history will primarily judge President Bush's reaction to September 11 by his decision to go to war with Iraq and the linkage he made between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein?
CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS: It’s not the linkage that he made it's the linkage that Saddam Hussein made.
The Iraqi regime was the only one in the region to applaud the attacks and it was the only one when every other country, including Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, were expelling al-Qaeda sympathisers, to start welcoming them onto its soil, particularly in the shape of the notorious Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. TONY JONES: At least one key witness to the events, within the White House, immediately after the 9/11 attacks, the former counter-terrorism chief, Richard Clarke, says that advisers in the White House were bent on attacking Iraq in retaliation, whether or not Saddam Hussein had anything to do with al-Qaeda?
CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS: Well, there is a pre-existing quarrel with Saddam Hussein as you know on other matters, including his support for international terrorism. If you remember, the man who was responsible for the hijack of the Achille Lauro the murder of Leon Klinghoffer, the so-called Abu Abbas, the late, when he was captured, had to be released by the Italian police because he was travelling on a diplomatic passport. Do you want to know which country issued him with a diplomatic passport? This wouldn't be the only time that Iraq had given official State support to activity like that.
It was unsleepingly pursuing nuclear materials in places like Niger as we can now, I think, adequately demonstrate. TONY JONES: Isn't it more important, though, to create or to make a link between September 11 and Saddam Hussein, if you are going to invade the country virtually as a direct result of that?
Yes, well I mean, I think the links were pretty adequately demonstrated. ... I think the Senate committee will deeply regret having issued such a half-baked and unfinished piece of work. ... Takes the word of the CIA on a very important subject where the agency just happens to have got it all wrong. You won't be quoting this report with quite the same - what shall I say - assurance in a couple of days. It's really disgraceful.