MUST I watch Tweety lick the boots of Giuliani and Pataki today???
Berry Cool
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Mon Sep-11-06 06:15 PM
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MUST I watch Tweety lick the boots of Giuliani and Pataki today??? |
I mean, I know Rudy is his favorite Repug and all, but...this is just disgusting.
Now Pataki is giving this "we were all Americans...we were attacked because of our freedoms" crap.
He calls this an "observance"? Please.
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Mon Sep-11-06 06:17 PM
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1. Turn him off, switch to another channel.. |
There's 45 more minutes until Keith's on..
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Mon Sep-11-06 06:19 PM
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Why do you subject yourself to this?
Do you get ANY other channels?
Do you have a radio?
Can you surf the internet?
In other words, can't you find something else more worthwhile to do the next 40 minutes? Like pick your nose perhaps. It's more productive than watching Tweety Spin Repub Talking Points.
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Mon Sep-11-06 06:20 PM
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3. he's such a slobbering pig.... |
I loved the introduction for Rudy..."Rudolph". He was filled with reverence and it made me want to puke.
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Mon Sep-11-06 06:20 PM
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4. Tweety would lick Ghouliani's ass if he'd let him. |
I hope Ghouliani runs for president just so he can get beaten and it will shut Tweety the fuck up.
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Mon Sep-11-06 06:21 PM
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5. Turn on "Wheel of Fortune" instead. I did. |
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Mon Sep-11-06 06:25 PM
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6. MSRNC has been horrible today. |
O'Donnell interviewed Andy Card (former CoS) and he kept going on about how after he told Bush about the second plane hit, Bush gathered his thoughts and became the Commander In Chief. :puke: He did the same thing on CNN.
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Mon Sep-11-06 06:36 PM
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You can turn the TV off. That's what I did.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 02:57 PM
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