CBC airing this week some indepth documentaries about 9-11. The excerpt below is from a story addressing the issues raised by Griffen, Loose Change etc. Below CBC correspondent Evan Solomon asks Hamilton about seismic data from 911 that shows that seismic activity occured seconds prior to the planes hitting the building -
"Solomon: The Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, which is about 20 odd miles away from New York, they released a report on seismic data coming from Manhattan on that day. And they released a spike in seismic data at 8:46:26, and they thought that was the moment of impact of the plane on the first World Trade Center, of American Airlines 11. But the plane didn’t hit until 8:46:40, and there are several of the same kind of early seismic spikes for the second flight. I guess the question is: how do we explain those discrepancies? When the public looks at that, how can we explain that kind of thing?
Hamilton: I haven’t seen that report. I don’t know the answer to your question. They didn’t come forward with that evidence while we were at the Commission - so far as I know. Now, staff filtered a lot of these things, so not necessarily would I know. I don't know what happened with regard to the.... What did they conclude? I don't know what they concluded.
Solomon: They had no conclusion; the evidence is sitting out there. You write about, in Chapter 12 of the book - and again it's one of those allegations that have come up - about who had foreknowledge of it? One piece of evidence that many critics have said is: 'well, there is lots of 'puts' - which is a form of financial stock trading. In other words, people are buying up stock, hoping that the airline stock would plunge, and there was an unusually large number of puts on American Airlines and United stock, and therefore people profited from this. What did you make of that theory?" "
http://www.cbc.ca/sunday/911hamilton.htmlps Tonight at 10:00 p.m. est CBC will air story about The Falling Man.