My brother is a republican. He is a Green Beret(sp?) medic and supports Bush(although I don't think he likes him as much as he tells me he does. Being my big brother I think he just tries get me going because he knows how much I hate Bush). He votes GOP because he believes they are better when it comes to military matters and he is pro-life, but he supports gay rights and is very liberal when it comes to the environment. He is stationed in Colorado and we talk on the phone at least once a week and we always talk politics. We disagree a lot and the conversations gets heated sometimes but we never hang up angry or anything and we have a lot of interesting talks. Maybe it's because we really aren't that far apart on most things but I guess I've never understood how political disagreements cause big rifts in families and friends. I'm not criticizing anyone who has had that happen because my brother certainly is not a freeper type, but even if he was I would hope that it would not affect our relationship. Bush, Rove and the rest can do their best to divide our country, but they won't do it to my family. Thanks for this great forum! It's been a crutch at times through the last 6 years.