The British film-makers behind a controversial £2 million Channel 4 movie that shows the fictional assassination of President Bush are being guarded by private security men at the Toronto International Film Festival after threats were made on their lives.
The exact nature and level of threat against Gabriel Range, the director of Death of A President and his producer - writing partner Simon Finch was not being disclosed yesterday but expert security officers were in attendance at the world premiere screening of the film, also known as DOAP, on Sunday night at the Paramount cinema in Toronto.
All ticket holders had their bags searched and security officers stood by the film-makers during the screening, while guards constantly patrolled the aisles for security purposes and to ensure that the film was not illegally copied.
There were mixed views about the impact of the film with much concern expressed about the movie being about the fictional slaying of a real-life sitting president and that computer generated imagery grafted the head of the real George Bush onto that of an actor for the sensational moment when Bush is slain by two bullets from an assassins rifle freepers, what was that you were just saying about FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Funny how when it applies to you, you go ballistic.. Death Threats?