They now have Alan Keyes on their team. Yep, that'll help em gain credibility!
Foes rally against stem-cell issue
Ex-presidential aspirant Alan Keyes and two clergymen call for the defeat of an amendment on the Missouri ballot.
The Kansas City Star
Local and national opponents of Missouri’s stem-cell initiative came together Monday in a rousing church revival that was part prayer meeting, part science lecture and part political rally.
Former presidential candidate Alan Keyes compared the initiative to terrorists who take innocent human life and to slaveholders who justified slavery by arguing that blacks were different. The Rev. Robert Finn, bishop of the Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Diocese, also compared the battle against the initiative to the war on terrorism, calling early stem-cell research “the wholesale manufacture and destruction of human life.”
And Rick Scarborough, a Texas minister who founded the conservative organization Vision America, called early stem-cell research “a devilish science” and urged church members to get involved in the campaign to block the initiative.
“They say this is a David-and-Goliath campaign,” Scarborough said. “Remember — David won.”more . . . those of you unfamiliar with Alan (gay people are heathens) Keyes: