I don't know how many other D.U.ers grew up thinking Walt Disney, Disneyland, and the animated movies were something REALLY SUPER SPECIAL. I'll admit I did. BIG time. The very name of the place; DISNEYLAND had kind of a magic breathed about it, and evoked a host of memories and anticipations and excitment...for a lot of us, a trip to DISNEYLAND was about as close to going to Heaven without actually having to die...with Christmas and your birthday thrown in. (Didn't care about the mouse, for me it was Peter Pan and Tinkerbell that were really special.)
The image of kind, funny ol' WALT DISNEY...one of the few 'grownups' who seemed to have a sense of fun and imagination, from what I saw on those grainy film clips...from a kid's point of view, he actually 'got it'. Fun, I mean, what it was, could be, should be.
Going to see the movies as they were released was another high treat, almost as good as a visit to DISNEYLAND...and remember, this was from a child's point of view. Forget the fact that the heroines were all wussy Barbie-clones who couldn't cross the street without turning an ankle and having to be rescued, or that a lot of the stories had been re-worked and 'Disney-fied' and bore little resemblance to the actual story from which it was taken (anyone ever read Mary Poppins in the original? Bit of a shrew, she was, and not a bit like Julie Andrews). It was the richness of the colors, the incredible grace and believability of the animation (and remember, this was waaay before CG. All of the drawings were done BY HAND), the shimmer of the water, the sheer MAGIC of the films...not to mention the funny little details you caught as you got older and were able to do so. And the songs...still get sung today, a lot of them, don't they...
For me, those were some of my most treasured, bright memories... and they've been fucked over royally...like finding out a beloved and respected ancestor was a murderer, or a horse thief, or a child molester. They're ruined. Oh,the colors are still there, but the context is fouled, and something sad and rather shameful now.
That was something called REPUTATION, guys...you can't touch it, you can't buy it...and now, you've lost it. Hope the money you got was worth it, because there are a lot of people who will never see disney the same way again.