Peace and Prosperity to end terrorism. Why don't Democrats get on this train. War, really, is good for nothing......with the possible exception of self defense and it is still terrible. The lady on the recent Koppel special on Discovery had it right. She lost a loved one in the WTC and she said we need to stop talking about a war on terrorism. Terrorism is a TACTIC. The problem of 9-11 was brought on by radical Islamists. The reason that our "government" doesn't make this distinction is that people might start asking, really, why do the radical Islamists try to kill us? Answers might actually be given that would cause us as a nation to change some of our policy. The rich might not keep getting richer.
Anyway, as long as there is war and chaos and poverty terrorism will continue to be practiced. It is an avenue of warfare available to the poorest. It is effective and cheap. A summary is found in this statement: War is the rich man's terrorism and terrorism is the poor man's war. Let's end terrorism by waging a protracted period of Peace and Prosperity for the Whole World. Let's concentrate on saving the Earth's ecosystem and include everyone in the process.
Change WILL happen. What do YOU think?