The political action organization has announced the placement of a new television advertisment which will condemn President Bush for "exploiting" the 9/11 attacks to bolster the election chances for Republicans in the mid-term elections.
MoveOn spent $100,000 for the ad-buy, and the thirty-second spots will begin running nationwide later this week (when available, RAW STORY will post the ads).
In a statement issued by, the group said that the ad, "Exploiting 9/11," will remind "Americans of the now discredited claims and promises made by the President and Republican leaders in Congress about the connection between 9/11 and Sadaam Hussein; the capture of Osama bin Laden; and making the country safer by invading Iraq."
Eli Pariser, Executive Director of MoveOn Political Action said in the statement, "It is shameful that President Bush, who falsely used 9/11 to lead us into the fiasco in Iraq, continues to use exploit 9/11 to try to bolster the sagging fortunes of the Republican Party."
A full transcript of the ad follows...