but they are related now. Even so, it's probably not a strong relationship. It's more that now the terrorists have the perfect recruiting motivational event, as well as the perfect training ground (on the job training in IRAQ).
Also, it will only be at tremendous cost that we will prevent IRAQ from becoming a significant source and home to the kind of 'terrorism' that we are supposedly at war with.
Not to confuse you, but our nation's response to 9/11 had very little to do with fighting terrorism. Even Afghanistan was more to get our desired oil pipeline--which incidentally required removing the Taliban (which was the leadership of Afghanistan and who had been financed by Bin Laden in exchange for having free run of the country). Terrorism wasn't the enormous boogy man we were led to think it was, but owing to our invasion and occupation of a Muslim country/holy land, we've provoked a real growth the details of which aren't yet obvious, but for which we will pay well into the future.
Our focus should have been smart, strategic operations to root out and destroy terrorist networks--in cooperation with the whole world (which was there to help--until Bush basically told them to all go screw themselves). That, and to make real improvements in our national security and intelligence gathering operations--not missile defense (which has no chance of working for several decades--by which time it may not even be needed), and not foreign military engagements. We've failed to improve national security--and programs to spy on Americans en-masse are certainly not significant improvements in our security against terrorists.
9/11 and the War on Terrorism has primarily been "used" as a means by which to increase the power of the President and the Republican government. They expect to continue to dominate the government for decades, and they're going to continue to use terrorism and anything else they can find, to "terrorize" and scare the American people--to allow them to keep the massive power they've taken unto themselves. Most of us consider that abuse of power to have fascist qualities.
There will always be terrorists, somewhere. Therefore, as you point out, even after IRAQ has ceased to be terrorist central, our leaders will just pick another spot that's been in the news or is convenient to their agendas at that time.
I like the way you posed the question as though you were confused and then, in two short paragraphs, hit on what probably amounts to the main issues. Of course, your final question being "where" next can't be answered until we reach that point in time, but rest assured, so long as our government is controlled by Republicans (and DINOs), there will be a "somewhere".